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I started yesteday evening on the downstairs items & worked on them through the night, here is what we have so far (11 items). There are 3 lengths for the ceiling fan. I need to adjust the size of the book shelf (it is its own object with lots of slots to place clutter, & slotted on the countertop right where it needs to snap) as it is too tall, and with it, the books. They are kind of enormous.

Update (Monday early morning):
Here is a quick update on the progress, the shelf is now a little shorter, along with the books. It took me awhile to get things lined up properly. The books all needed to be remapped.
Update (later Monday early evening):
I changed the shelf portion of this furniture piece to snap to the wall instead of sitting on a surface. I was having an issue where when I would load the lot after placing everything, the books were disappearing. Changing the shelf piece to a slotted wall object fixed that. I added the items for the top of the shelf (again the books had to be remapped.) Most of the items liberated from a larger thing have a new image file, just the piece of the image that is needed. & and like usual, new bump maps, and specular maps for all. The window I am currently using is a placeholder for now, it's another window from the same set linked for part 1. The EA windows have all these little pieces, I am going to look at trying to make a window out of the mesh that I have for this building, but I am not sure if it will work. I will find something fitting for the downstairs window either way, so that I can match the curtain size to it when I make that.
Update (Monday midnight):
Added the last of the clutter for the counters. The stacked books looked weird where the pages go, it had too few page lines, so I fixed that and added more swatches.
Update (continued very early Tuesday morning):
Added the doormat for the entrance, the squared stone floor for the left side of the room, and the plumeria bush for the outside area. The ACNH bush mesh is sort of a "half" of a bush, so you can use 2 of them to create a full spherical bush if desired. Both plumeria bloom swatches included, as well as the snow leaves. This item took me a little longer to make, since it has the same issue as the flower items from the flowers set, where there is no image texture, just a small gradient image. The bush is high poly at 4680 polygons.
Update (Tuesday morning):
Added a bunch of items for the left side of the downstairs, images above. 31 items so far ☺️ The chair is from the vacation set as a little stand in for sale object for our preview pics. The chocolate candy box display has all the swatches that I made for the Souvenir Chocolate miniset. There are more plumeria blossoms in the Vacation set, along with hibiscus.

Update (Tuesday night):
Added the rest of the wall posters and the framed photos. The posters were having that issue where it would revert back to an old mapping after importing the edited mesh/mapping, so that is also fixed. The double framed photos were so cute I had to add more swatches with AC images, so there are more photos, and 2 frame colors for all of them.
Update (Tuesday night):
Added the ATM and the bird statuette that goes on top (is its own object) The ATM screen and top sign area lights up in the dark.
Update (early Wed. morning):
Added the "sold" sign, swatches if a few languages including Simlish. Added the skinny table display, and the flyers and cork board. The display has 3 swatches for the wood, and 3 for the books. Added the flag that goes near the window.
Update (Wednesday noon):
I am so excited, I was able to make a functional window. It took a long time to get everything right, but it functions as it should. It is not the mesh from ACNH, I had to do it another way to make it work, it has the AC texture and the shape (images above). I need to take a little break for now, but later today I will work on the outside objects ☺️ 45 items so far.

Update (Wed. evening):
Before starting on the outdoor items I made a second version of the window, with the sort of shelf or sill on the inner part of the frame to make it look more like the AC one. I added slots to it, but they aren't working on a window, so I need to look some things up. The succulent plant pot is previously made in the bath set. I hope everyone is having a nice week 💗
Update (continued):
So in order for the slots to work on a window, the window needs to be placed with the inside facing the outside of the house (right click to flip it), place your clutter, then pick up the window right click to turn it back around again and place.
Update (continued, Thursday morning):
I have again worked through the night on more of the items. One thing I love about CC making, is that it's something enjoyable to do when I can't sleep due to pain. I got to finish another bunch of cute items: The outdoor table, tablecloth, stool seat, bench, and starfish. The drinks are from the drinks set. I only have a few more items to go, but I am having to go through the game files to find certain textures, and some things (table/cloth and seats, starfish) are not part of the structure, I had to make them from other items. The bench is made with an EA bench as the base item to use the same tunings. It is categorized as a dining seat also.
Update (Thursday continued):
Added the clipboard, candles (2 items) the short candle is doing something weird with the flame, so I need to take another look at that one. 2 versions of the cute little bird, and 2 versions of the palm tree. I snagged the palm mesh from the insect museum structure.

Update (Friday late night):
I had to catch up on some IRL things, but I'm back to finishing up part 2 of our set: this structure mesh is missing most of the outdoor items. So I have put together more items myself, here are the two potted plants for the outside of the building, the palm and yucca in a basket planter pot. I included extra swatches for the pot for both, that look like the monstera planter pot. What I have left to make: The two flag items, a hanging plant, and that little red napkin that goes beneath the drinks? I hope everyone likes how the set is coming along, it is getting very close to being done, but these last stretch of items that need so much done to them are taking me longer than they normally would. Thanks for hanging with me while I work! ☺️
Update (Friday early morning):
Okay, I made the flags, and the hanging planter, myself. It took me a good while. The flag on the nail is a decor object, which uses the raise object keyboard cheat to get into place. I also made the little napkin. I'm just going through things now and making sure everything is as it should be, and getting pictures of everything for the post 💗



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