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Alrighty then based on the poll I made about two weeks ago it's clear that people would like both even though Saru won by three votes, so i'm just gonna go "Screw it, I'll make everyone an option"

How this will work is exactly like the previous one I did over a year ago, any patron who wishes to throw their OC into the hat of ideas to be drawn with either the usual snow haired victim or one of my lady characters (Mirai, Tashika, Angel, Aki, Orthant, etc, etc) for a few NSFW pictures please comment on this page here or message me on discord with their character (there MUST be a reference picture, it doesn't have to be a sheet but just a picture of your character). You may also include a general idea of what they will be doing- it's not necessary but would be very welcome.

After I have collected a number characters to pick from I shall make a poll with the requested characters along with the idea and then I shall draw the top three winners!

And while NSFW pictures will of course be only available for the $3+ patrons I will take applications from all my patrons, if your character wins the poll I will send you the finished results even if you are not a $3+ Tier patron! :>



I’m interested aswell, seems fun


Of course, When you can send me the details of who with who either here or on Discord :>

Razgriz Gundam

I'll Dm Leofgyth your way :D


Certainly, don't forget to to suggest which character you'd like her to be with and doing what if you have an idea :>