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Hello all, I have made this new Journal because I DELETED THE OLD ONE WITHOUT LOOKING, LIKE AN IDIOT.


Well this is a first for me but I am opening up some commissions slots for my patrons specifically, so this is how it will work, either send me a private message, discord message or comment below of something you'd like to commission off of me, I shall then pick the ones that peak my interest and reply to you that I will take up your commission.

Those of you that are Patrons to FoxyKuro will be familiar with this method.

Before I did a first come first serve mentality but honestly I want to try out this style of taking commissions this time because I am generally more motivated when I have something fun to work on.

So with that in mind I look forward to hearing from you! And remember to please check the prices and information.


Commissions Slots;


  1. BloodAngelsCaptain - Character sheet, Lots of things needed. (Finished!)
  2. DownAtMcDonaldz - Two characters, full body, sketched. (Finished!)
  3. Ruuppa - Single character + Extra item, full body, lined. (Finished!)
  4. Random Guy - One character + alternate version, full body, full colour. (Finished!)
  5. StuffedBeef - One character, full body, flat colour. (Finished!)



Joe Blue

and it was gone before I even had a chance to see.