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Though this didn't win the 5 Year Anniversary poll, Honestly I would like to do these so while a picture of Mirai with Tentacles is coming, I will also be doing this;

This is an Ask Me Anything for my characters, have you got a question for Sarukin? (The OC), curious about something with Mirai? a query for Tashika or Angel? maybe Orthant, Aki or Mai'Mori? Ask away! (My characters also have multiple versions so if you want you can ask one  of their specific versions if you'd like! (Even though some of them are  almost identical in appearance).)

I will respond to all questions in character for those characters (because it's more fun that way), and some of the questions that I really like and have fun with I may draw for viewing pleasure.

But for now, Enjoy!



I'd love to ask a question! Though, could you first tell me if Saru has any other variants? I'd love to make a query to one or more.


He does, along with normal Saru in the world I sorta came up with he has a 40k variant who's a possessed Chaos merc, he has a D&D variant who is a ranger, he has a Sci-fi variant (though that setting isn't widely known as it's still in the works) and finally a Shadowrun variant who is a Shadow Runner Adept.


Mai'Mori, I must ask what the romantic life for a water caste is like. Do thosr expert negotiation skills come into play or act as an hindrance?


Mai'Mori - "T'au romance is somewhat similar to Gue'La romance if I am to believe the reports i've read, the only difference is that we don't necessarily just choose to begin a relationship with a person at random or prior interactions like humans, T'au are given help in the form of carefully selected surveys, genetic and psychological tests to ensure that we know about our interested suitors before we attempt a relationship, because of this due diligence Caste relationships are very pleasant! My suitor is a trader in the merchant fleet and while we don't see each other often we make sure we keep in routine communication and we love to share our current work projects, while some humans would watch vox-cast recordings- I love to listen talk about trade route manifests and his ideas for potential improvements to in commerce work flow!"