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Fighter Angel is here to save the day! . . . Probably. . . Maybe. . . Okay she's going to try at least.

The basic idea could be a seen as a follow up of Anina's and Tashika's jaunt into the Tentacle Wand item they found only to have them lose control of it and someone needs to trim back the raging tentacles, that someone would be Angel who correctly miscalculated the effectiveness of her 'Armour of Questionable Taste'. Hijinks ensue.

Please enjoy this large 14 piece set with multiple expressions, poses and more with a dark background version much like last months. We are almost reaching the end of this mighty long D&D journey we have embarked on and it has certainly been fun albeit stressful at times when motivation disappears.

But that aside, next month is Angel with Blue Magic, and then Mirai's turn!




Excellent work, hehe. Sorry I had to unpledge last month, BTW, money was a bit tight.


It's fine man! I would actually prefer it if my Patrons took care of themselves before lending me money so by all means do what you must to take care of yourself! :D