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Hello everyone, I've discussed this on my Discord and the majority have expressed they are alright with these changes so I will be discussing them here now.

If you are not part of the Discord server than I will go through it here again;

Personally, I do not think this will be a big or very impactful change but in the ongoing interest of clarity and transparency I feel it is important to make you, the customers, aware of changes I make both big and small, I want to be a good provider.

I live in the UK and the cost of living is getting higher every day it seems and I need to increase my monthly revenue, i'm trying to get commissions done ASAP but it has become clear Patreon work- which is what I prioritize- is what will take up a good portion of my time and frankly it's not making as much to be worth the time sink. So in order to make it worth the time without just artificially raising the prices of all my Patreon tiers, I am going to change the currency used on my Patreon to be in GBP (my national currency) instead of USD.

The price change won't be too large, as it stands right now £1 is equivalent to $1.28, it will however help me out slightly getting more for my work.

The upper patron tiers Investor and Runner- £10 and £25 respectively, have commission discounts that correlate to USD to GBP discounts. To compensate this change I will be just increasing the discount of those that have access to them from £10 to £15 for Investor tiers and £20 to £30 for Runner tiers.

I intend to be making these changes for next month (two weeks time), even though I believe these changes are slight, I do understand if you feel that my content is no longer worth that slight price increase and wish to retract your membership. After all I want to make sure you all take care of yourselves before you throw money my way.

I do have other plans for the future, but that will come when I have more to give. Thank you again for your time and your continued support. Have a good day!

- Saru


That guy

So will the tiers automatically update or will we need to do that ourselves?


The tiers should update automatically if what I understand is correct.