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Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your patience and understanding while I make plans to move ahead with the Patreon Re-branding. 😄 it’s been amazing to have your support until now and I hope you’ll stick around for the next content I’ll be creating.

Firstly, let’s talk about tiers. Returning Patrons will notice that my previous tiers are no longer accessible, they have been unpublished. Patrons on my previous tiers will still be subscribed and have access to my previous content. However, I’d like to encourage you all to move to the new tiers, as all my new content will be under them. However, the new content will be made available to previous tiers. I’ve revised the pricing for my new tiers to reflect the length of my new videos going forward, and I’m remaining committed to bringing regular video updates to all tiers.

Next, let’s talk about the focus of my videos moving forward. As mentioned in last weeks post, I’m ready to be turned into the office fat boy. My videos will feature a lot of eating at my desk, mindlessly stuffing myself and playing with my gut will I’m sat on my ever growing arse and expanding by the day. I’m ready to become plump, rolls piling up on rolls, and completely burying any trace of the fit boy I once was. Although the videos will be shorter in length, the upload frequency won’t be😉

once again, I want to thank everyone for their comities support, and allowing me the time and space to figure everything out. We’ve been through some big ups and downs, but hopefully it’ll be only up (on the scales that is 😏) from here on out!

Let’s get back to it!

The Office Fatty


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