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As you may have noticed, the North is fast becoming self-sufficient thanks to Harry's magical interventions. The Northern lords are disgruntled with Ned for butting into southern affairs and throwing Northern lives for the southerners. There is a deep sense of alienation among the Northern lords far early than the canon events of GoT. With the North's borders secure, fleet expansion, expansion of road networks, food security, glass trade and increasing volume of trade with the Free Cities have all contributed to the rise in Northern nationalistic spirit. 

Therefore, the question now remains. Should the North secede from the Iron Throne?  


Richard Alvarez

Stannis and Renly are both bad options. There’s nothing to gain for the North being ruled by the South. A strong North should be independent.


Just make he north Isolationist and independent. But still part of the 7 kingdoms


It should be stannis kills Robert or betrays him and then eddard gives northern independence.

Joe Neal

The biggest road block to Northern Independence is Ned. As long as he lives, he will always want the North connected to the Seven Kingdoms because of his loyalty to Robert.

Rhoy Treves

They should have enough of being mistreated and used by the south. Fuck the baratheons without dragons they cannot pass moat cailin with their armies and same with Dorne. I don’t get why won’t they both declare indipendence now that there are no dragons and targariens on the throne. Robert is a terrible king and ned should be responsible for his people instead of sending armies south for his friend


That's true. But he's already under stress by the Northern lords for once again throwing them into a 'southern' war when they have a far worse enemy beyond the Wall. Another war might take all the wind from Ned's sails.


They don't go for independence, mostly for practical reasons. It'd be a hassle to mint new coins and rewrite all the current laws and tariffs. Not to mention, the constant warfare for the expansion of the kingdoms was stopped after Aegon's Conquest. There is also the fact that old royal families like Lannister, Stark, Arryn, Martell technically rule as kings in all but name. In the case of the Martells, they ruled in name as well because they got to keep their Princely title.

Rhoy Treves

Fair enough, but generations of targarien kings and the rebellion have made them weaker and weaker. Now that they are getting more powerful thanks to harrion they should push for some reform the current system ain’t working for the north.


I'd like the North to become independent and have its own king but I want that king to be Harry. Neither Eddard or Robb deserves that crown. Harry deserves to be the king. He was the one who brought prosperity to the North, who will be the one who will continue bringing more prosperity so it should be him who takes the title of being the first King in the North after centuries! The only thing Ned has done was given him the approval and followed Harry while Robb is only considered the heir because he's born first with no skill other than being a pretty good war tactician. None of the two are good picks as King of the North.


The lords should just vote for Harry to be their king and Harry better take that position


How loyal is Harry to Ned? Like would he mess up his own long term plans to protect his father from Ned’s self inflicted problems? I know he definitely would to a certain degree, but I’m wondering how much long term risk would he be willing to take on to protect Ned?

Joe Neal

This Harry looks like he is written as one who would not be above taking steps to ensure Ned does not go too far off the reservation. I don’t think he would be above confundo if it gets the job done.

Lictor Magnus

As much as I’d like them to be independent, the story hasn’t really set that up. Ned would never do that while Robert is king. Even if they get shafted in whatever peace deals get made with the westerlands he’ll hold to his oaths. Even if Robert dies in the end Stannis is now fanatically in favor of the old gods. With that in place only a high septon led crusade against the north after overthrowing Stannis would break the current peace.

Kevin Thunder

Really dont see how Independence could be set up. I agree with Lictor. Robert is still king, and although I still dislike Stannis, he is far too useful to alienate. It would be better for them to work together, for the time being. Together, they could present a united front against the Faith of the Seven and help spread the word and will of the Old Gods. It may be best to continue to build up their economy and strength. Right now, focus on expanding their industries and building up Avalon and the Northern Fleets. They are making inroads already. Trade agreements with the Reach and social ties to Stannis and Dorne. Speaking of the Reach, Ned recently negotiated a partnership with them, one that would allow them to build their navy up faster. Would that still be feasible if the North breaks free whilst the Reach is still ruled by the Iron Throne? I say, let things continue for now. There may yet still be war in a few more years. The North can break off then, in the canon time.


I don’t think Ned is just going to declare the north independent as soon as Robert dies something most likely happens that makes him do it.


I think If the north becomes independent it should be after the long night otherwise it will be more fighting in Westeros and less people to kill the white walkers.