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As you know, Eddard Stark is marching through the Riverlands to invade Westerlands, thereby aiding Robert in his war against House Lannister. 

This is a turning point in the plot. If Eddard dies in this war Robb becomes the heir and plunges the North into uncertain times. but it also creates a gap in the STAB alliance. This would also mean Harry would have a lot of free hand in shaping the North with his twin as the Lord of Winterfell. 

If Eddard survives, then the North becomes the most powerful and dangerous kingdom in Westeros by virtue of the rising power of House Stark, thanks to the vacuum left by the weakening of House Lannister. But, House Stark remains a loyal supporter of House Baratheon. 


Lictor Magnus

Ned Stark has died enough in the fanfiction multiverse. Robb will be in his shadow a bit but Harrion will be independent soon anyway

Kevin Thunder

Let Sean Bean live for once. Neither Robb nor Harry are ready to take over the North. Ned may be honorable to a fault, but he is a great leader. There is much that he could teach his children, including Harry. With him at the helm, the Northern future looks good. Robb's troubles in canon happened because he wasn't yet ready to lead, and while Harry may be able to help him, I feel that Robb needs to prove himself more. Harry outshines him in many ways; it is because of him that the North's power and fortune is growing. Soon, they will even have the best fleet in Westeros, and it will be led by Harry. I know Harry would never usurp his brother, nor would he even want to be the Lord of Winterfell, but the Lords and smallfolk of the North would probably rather have Harry over his twin, especially since he looks Northern. Even now they look up to him. "Blessed by the Gods." If they see Harry as the true power, without Robb learning to stand on his own feet, they will inevitably defer to him, especially once his dragons become common knowledge. Yes, the North will remain loyal to the Iron Throne for now, but it may be better if the North wasn't the one break away first. Let somebody else do the dirty work, like the Baratheon brothers and Littlefinger. You could always have Ned die years later for story purposes, if need be, but honestly, I feel like Ned's loyalty isn't always automatic. It can be lost. I feel that Ned would not have supported Stannis in canon, what with his fanatical devotion to the Red God and his kinslaying of Renly. He also would never have followed Joffrey once his cruelty was known, even if he had never learned the truth of his parentage. He was even willing to defy King Robert over the issue of killing a pregnant Daenerys, just like we all know he never would have followed through with killing Theon had Balon rebelled again earlier. He will be loyal for now, just like he would have been to the Targs had things been different, but it can always be lost later on. Especially, with how your Ned is written. He is more aware of things. More thoughtful. More...strategic. Ned being open to building ties with the Tyrells shows that he is thinking long-term. In his own way, he is starting to play the 'Great Game.'