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The war in the Reach is nearly at its end, with Robert smashing the Lannister army at Old Oak. Stannis is moving into the Reach through the Rose Road to take the second Lannister army led by Kevan Lannister and Addam Marbrand from behind.

Therefore, you get to choose whether Kevan lives or dies in this war.



You should keep him alive if only to get a reaction from him when he realizes that Jamie and Cersei are joffrey and myrcellas real parents and confronts them about it.


In war you should never let your enemies live. It's always better to kill them than leave a chance for someone to get paid off to rescue them / let them escape. Best to get information about Cersei and Jamie, then kill all Lannisters. Tywin has commited enough atrocities with purging bloodlines, it's time it came full circle for his family.


I personally think it would be good to let him live. I don't think he should be able to just roam freely but I think maybe Harry could take advantage of the situation and sneak him away like he did the alchemists. Seeing not only living to a ripe age in that era is an achievement itself but being Tywinns brother and advisor he would have plenty of knowledge on how a kingdom is run and other things Harry might need to know. Also a guideline for what not to do as well. Example being he can find out why the church of the sevans wanted to label him as a demon .


Harry has no shortage of men to depend on when it comes to running a kingdom. Besides, he is not the heir to Winterfell. He's the Lord of Avalon. He's not exactly running a kingdom. Not to mention Harry already has experience running a country even though the British Ministry of Magic is more sophisticated than his current holdings.


Yeah you do make some great points. My thought process was that he would benefit not only from the potential knowledge but also being able to get both sides perspective when it comes to the politics of the area. But like you pointed out I kinda overlooked how the people he already has in his corner can help him just fine in that regard


Kevan is capable, intelligent, and dangerous. His biggest flaw has always been his unwillingness to stand up to Tywin. His greatest moments in the books only came after Tywin’s demise. He almost certainly led a portion of the Lannister forces that sacked Kings Landing, so I figure he’s got it coming 😂. Maybe if he’d stood up to his brother and challenged him once in a while I’d be more sympathetic. Gerion seemed to be the only child of that generation that could have been at all likeable.

Kevin Thunder

Tywin needs him. Kevan is a constant yes-man, but he is Tywin's best asset. Kevan can stand in for him, lead his armies, manage the Westerlands, etc. He also isn't a fool. This makes him dangerous. Off with his head.