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I've not yet decided on the merits of a longstanding relationship between Harry and someone from Westeros. This is just to understand the pulse of you guys and gals. I'll just leave an option for multiple flings as an option for those who think Harry should remain unmarried but take multiple lovers. I'm generally not a fan of harem or even just casual flings but Harry's unique magic is an asset to the world. Having a maximum number of children increases the number of wizards in Westeros.

Anyway, vote away. If you have any suggestions use the comment box or just use the patron channel in Discord. Toodles.


Rolando Estrada

I would recommend for the multiple flings option, it will be MUCH harder to kill/erase magic if multiple families have it in their blood. Let Harrion spread magic as much as he can now that he knows he is a descendent of his late god father old Padfoot.


Eh having children with two women, even if it’s just 2 children each, which I bet it’ll be more, is still a lot of magic writhing three generations once those 4 children marry and have more kids, and each generation more magic comes. It’s like exponential growth.




You should have Robb removed from the heir position. Killed for his stupidity or something like that. Let Harrion inherit the North


I completely agree with Boban. The North’s progression is useless in the hands of Robb. If anything, he fits the position of general far better than a lord/king since that position requires politics and as shown in how he handled that, he failed miserably. He couldnt keep a betrothal promise and got himself, his family and his men killed brutally. If he’s going to lead men and he wants his men to be loyal, he has to keep his word. So yes, Harry is a way better candidate of Lord of Winterfell/King of the North


Umm... You do realize that you are judging this Robb based on actions taken by Robb Stark on an entirely different timeline.


I’d like to see either Margaery or Myrcella be paired up with Harry. Myrcella more so since we never have her picked for the pairing with the MC. They’d make such an interesting pairing, more so than Daenerys, Margaery, Arianne, Nymeria and etc(In my opinion)🤔


Multiple wives makes inheritance a disaster. It’s bad enough when you have bastard children but having multiple legitimate children would invite strife into the household. The Targeryns have already learned this lesson with Aegons children and the Blackfyrs


I like Harrion as the second son so he has more freedom to do what he wants. The North will benefit immensely regardless


Myrcella is unfortunately a bastard. Politically not a viable candidate. Margaery, I agree is an attractive candidate. She has the smarts and political affiliation with three Great Houses of Westeros. Not to mention she has a good character.


Stay in the North, the rest of the seven kingdoms all worship different gods and have different values. Continue to strengthen the North and have a nice northern bride. I agree with one of the other comments that Val or some other OC Free Folk princess would be an interesting match. Maybe you can make up some Thenn princess to pull them into the fold and expand the northern holdings plus adding a new established kingdom with a relationship with the giants. Lots of interesting directions you can take it. Plus with an OC you can add any personality you want

June Patel

Margaery is the best option out the poll if we have to do a pairing. Martells and sand are a one of the worst options tbh. Lol I know you wanted Margaery, I kinda hope you don’t listen to this poll and make Harry end with someone else cause man….Nymeria or Arianne that just terrible strategically and chemistry wise in every way. Also not sure why you put them in two separate categories and then in the same one I feel that screws up the voting. Nymeria is getting 1% and Arianne is getting 0% so the setup does screw up the voting and then getting 42% together is just bizarre 🤨. I think people are choosing it because we have only seen Nymeria interact with Harry. I think you should have waited to make this poll until after Harry interacts with other characters on it especially Margaery.


Margaery did meet Harry but she is just too young. So, not much serious interaction other than her star-spangled eyes at Harry's magic.

June Patel

I also agree with Boban and Elle. Robb becoming leader of the North even in this timeline would result in the North stagnation. It also depends on what you plan in terms who gets the Iron Throne because I think it should be Jonn or Harry. Maybe Daenerys but eh. But yeah if Jonn gets the Iron throne then Harry just be lord of the North or the one responsible behind Robb behind the scenes. Robb makes a good fighting general or battle leader but not a political leader


I know it's not in the poll but I think the oc you made Anya wouldn't be a terrible joice. Being his apprentice they spend plenty of time together and there's plenty of room for some romance to blossom. Also if she is paired with Harry then she could maybe become the leader of his Valkyries and be a sort of Valkyrie queen. And if her low standing/birth becomes and issue maybe it could be a double pairing like the Arianne and Nymria option but with one of the other girls in the poll. It would play into what you mentioned about his magic being an asset to the world and him having a few more children. But having said that to many people paired with him will make things way to complicated so I think a double pairing is the way to go.

June Patel

Yeah so we don’t have much to go on. This poll was too early in the story. Unless you are doing a time skip soon. In the next 2-3 years in canon and chapters you have Harry meet potential spouse options. It could be totally be Eddard trying to set up a match for him. So we already had plenty of Nymeria interaction. So let’s get some of the other people on this poll. Eddard sets up a play date for harry with alys karkstark to engage potential compatibility for a potential match and maybe Stannis messages him about a potential betrothal with Shireen and then we get them meeting each other. Harry could totally decide that he doesn’t like both for whatever reason or maybe he likes one idk up to you. I think Olenna is not letting Harry go. Lol that women will kill B*tches to make sure Harry marries into her family.so I think she will keep try to facilitate a connection and meeting between Harry and Margaery and try to offer Eddard a betrothal contract. Mira was Margaery’s handmaiden so Harry could fall involve with her while meeting with Margaery. But I think Olenna would immediately get her killed if that happens. Or he could fall in love with her when he meets Daenerys since she later supports Daenerys. Or if you want late in the story for a potential match and spouse for Harry, Daenerys weird targeryon dragon magic would be something Harry is super interested in and then maybe he would develop feelings from there. Personally I do think that Daenerys would end clashing with Harry on too many things and try to do with him what she did to Jon. Mira is just a terrible option she is too wish washy with her loyalty and has too many ulterior motives for her actions. Shireen would be giving the Baratheon too much power which would be a terrible idea for Harry to do. Alys’ has too many back stabbing family members who in canon kept supporting the Boltons against the starks so bad option also I think her personality wouldn’t mesh well with Harry.I mean she is not the worst option. No that goes to Nymeria and Arianne Martells. The possible two worst options out of this poll. I am sorry you guys wanna give the Martells magic after Harry considered them untrustworthy enough to put a spy spell on them?!?! What?!? Also not mentioning Nymeria’s dismissal of the whole white walkers thing despite seeing many many more impossible things because of Harry’s magic and then her dismissal of explanation of magical theory. Just no. Terrible awful choice. Chemistry wise, politically wise. Like why would Harry marry someone who keeps dismissing parts of magic and not appreciating it and not believing and supporting him when he says there is a possible future threat. Or at least take heed of his warning. That kind of relationship would be super toxic with Nymeria and Martells consistenly trying to use Harry and then maybe even killing if it goes against their plans and once he fulfilled his purpose of giving magical children. And yes the other families for the candidates in this poll are definitely going to try to use him but Harry has the upper hand there. Like the Tyrells will definitely try to use him but Harry can swat down that family like a fly. Also the Tyrells seem more genuine in their alliance than the Martells especially since Harry healed Willas. I think they feel a little more indebted to him compared to the Martells which just see this alliance mostly as way to stir up the pot and cause chaos in Westeros and an Avenue of possible future revenge. Harry already had enough on his plate he shouldn’t get involved with that mess especially not with the Lannister and Martell feud. He will get dragged into it and used and abused by both parties. The Martells like the Lannisters are the biggest threat to Harry especially when it comes to random backstabbing and betrayal. Nymeria makes a good friend and ally. But probably the kind of ally that you got watch out for because they might randomly backstab at any point.

June Patel

If we going to do a double pairing to benefit the world of Westeros. The Martells are the worst double pairing option. Also yes having too many children with too many different people would complicate things. I don’t see why he can’t use magic to have like 10 or 12 children to one person though. Considering average people in medieval times had like 10 children on average to help with the farm and so at least one survived since people died from anything back then. So having that many children without magic is totally doable and if add magic in the fix you can probably double that number. But I think looking at it from the angle of “oh, Harry needs to have a lot of children to benefit the world with lots of magic” is a horrible way to look at it in general. It’s dehumanizing and makes Harry into a some kind of breeding stallion or something.


Yes, if we cant go with Myrcella, lets go with Margaery. She's the best match out of all the other candidates. She can bring so much to further the North's prosperity unlike Nymeria and Arianne. No offense to those two but I just cant see anything they can bring to the table to surpass what the Tyrells could bring😕🤷🏻‍♀️


You're too harsh on Robb, with Harrion's influence and support he can be a great leader. Harrion can act as an advisor to Robb


Margaery makes the most sense. The Martells don't really bring anything to the table. Resources/trade wise the Reach has the most to offer and they seemed more genuine in their intention. Royal children are Lannister bastards so no go. Shireen is but a baby so she's out too

Grave Walker

I think Harry would undoubtedly have multiple flings, given he himself stated he can't wait to grow up/visit Dorne in the future. Yet he would eventually get married/find love. I see Margaery as best chance (so far at least). I can definitely see Harry having a few "flings" with the Sands Snakes. As for Arianne at this time? Nope, not likely at all. I would think she would ironically get paired with Jon Stark. And lastly, Dany? I have absolutely no idea. There is a lot changing in Westros and unless Harry somehow go out of his way to essos and rescues her, I don't see romantic relationship between them. If anything, I see a possibility of a strong rivalry brewing between the Dragon and the Wolf. Otherwise, the rest are not really viable.

Erica Tharp

Margaery if you kill off Robb but if you keep Robb alive Mira Forrester would be interesting and different. Also another suggestion thats not on the pole would be Myranda Royce.


Dacey Mormont would work if trying to tie the houses together further in the North. Though she is currently the heir to their island, but she does have younger sisters that could either take her place or be married off to his younger brother. She is however the right age to work as a marriage partner for him. Honestly funny one would be to have Jon take the throne and Harry marry Daenerys and become his uncle as well as cousin.


Maybe Val or another of the free folk. Def someone from the north. Needs someone fierce. I think being with someone from


the south would be too much of a conflict of interest


The Free Folk are hated in the North more than the Southerners. Val is a nobody. She's the sister of Mance Rayder's wife. That's it. Her importance is overinflated by the lusty men of Stannis's army because she's good looking.

Myou Moorlord

I agree someone from the North.


Is no one an option?

Kevin Thunder

I love Margaery but when its a choice between anybody and pair of delightful Dornish babes, ya gotta go with Door #2. Who wouldn't want a threesome? Besides, the Reach comes with religious baggage. Of course, Doran is a snake, and Oberyn is a hothead. Margaery may be the safer, more trust-worthy, option. But Arianne tiring of her father's manipulations could be the perfect set-up. Alliance-wise, the Reach, of course, has more resources to offer, but let us not pretend that their so-called army is worth much. They are the Knights of Summer. Nothing more than cannon fodder. Someone above mentioned Dacy Mormont. If you decide on a Northern girl, Dacy is the best choice, followed by one of the Manderly girls. Dany is the wild card here. In many ways, she could be the best choice. With their bloodlines, their children would no doubt be powerful. Daenarys comes with the most baggage, however. Maybe if she left the Dothraki barbarians home. But she would never play second fiddle to anyone. She wants to rule. She will also not take kindly to the North having dragons. The North, of course, is better off without a Targaryen, since they brought them nothing but heartache for 3 centuries, so that would mean that Harry would have to go down south. So, I vote no for her.

Kevin Thunder

It is bound to happen eventually. Give it time. Even if Harry stops the Red Wedding, Robb is bound to screw up again. He has too much naivete and Vale honor.

Kevin Thunder

Robb was an idiot. He broke a betrothal for a girl who offers nothing. He gave a Bolton far too much power. He was naive and had far too much Vale honor. He executed Lord Karstark. But the dumbest thing he ever did was send Theon back to the Iron Islands. Robb was a good general and a great short-term strategist, but he was a terrible leader who could not see the bigger picture.

Kevin Thunder

Eh, the Tyrells offer food, but Harry can and has made the North self-sufficient. Dorne has tons of sand for glass-making and they could make for a perfect trading hub to help reach the far-off lands of Yi Ti and Ashai. The Reach army may be larger, but they are mostly only good for tourneys.


Desert sand is not useful for glassmaking, buddy. It has less silica content than any other type of sand. The Reach army smashed Robert Baratheon's Stormland troops at Ashford in the Rebellion. The Reach army was the only one that defeated the Rebellious lords' during Robert's Rebellion. I think you're giving too much weight to the idiotic opinions of Catelyn Stark. That trading hub idea is good. I think I'll try to factor that in when it comes to Dorne.

Tamarra Smith

I agree. I also think Dacey Mormont is a good choice. They may actually have magic in their blood too. The thing about turning into bears, and bears fathering their child could be good to play with.


I’m in two minds, I know there are hardly any votes for her however through Shireen his kids would have Baratheon blood which links to Targaryen blood, which would be a boon for their family having a better connection to future dragons

Read the Rivers of London.

My suggestion is just for Arianne Martell simply because I feel that her father Doran will be looking to reinforce his, and the position of Dorne, by either marrying his daughter to either Aegon or even Viserys and she strikes me as somebody who wouldn't be happy in a subservient position to either of those men especially as she grew up believing she'd rule Dorne. I would say that Arianne would try to manipulate Harry into making her the ruler of Dorne even if her father is still alive.