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Daenerys had been prewarned about the wights her husband was bringing into the city but seeing those horrid creatures and hearing their ungodly screams left her in a state of disarray. It nearly sapped her strength to continue with the coronation ceremony, especially with those haunting blue eyes watching from the cage reeking of hatred. This was not how she imagined she’d feel at the coronation considering the bedding that was to follow.

“Your grace. Are you all right?” Missandei asked barely above a whisper.

She just nodded but realized she must have been too expressive. She tried to compose herself but she could feel the ominous intent that was directed at her and her husband from the wights in the cage. It was not easy to sweep away the discomfort knowing well that those wights were only a few feet away from her. Suddenly she felt Daeron’s hand take hers intertwining their fingers together.

“No need to worry. The men guarding the cage are armed with dragonglass weapons. The undead is powerless here.” Daeron whispered into her ear. “You only need to worry about our bedding dear wife. A long night is ahead of us.”

A shiver ran down her spine at the promise of a long night of carnal pleasure with her husband.

“We’ll see husband whether your skills in bed are as matched with your skills on the battlefield.” Daenerys whispered coyly.

“Challenge accepted.” Daeron smirked at her.

She only realized a little later she was no longer feeling the unease from the presence of those wights. It was as if her proximity to her husband was shielding her from the vile demons.

“Your grace, please.” Grandmaester Marwyn beckoned them towards the Iron Throne.

Daenerys moved in sync with Daeron, their footsteps echoing in the hallowed halls of their common ancestors as they climbed the steps at the foot of the throne of Aegon the Conqueror forged from the black flames of Balerion the Black Dread. She xchanged a look with her husband before she let go of his arm and nodded to him.

She stood to the side of the Iron Throne while Daeron carefully sat on the throne. She could see the care Daeron was putting in placing his arms and legs near the throne as the innumerable jagged edges of the swords fused into the throne were a threat to be mindful of. Daeron had hired many workers in covering the seat on the Iron Throne with a cushion that could but there were a whole lot of jagged edges in the arms and many parts of the throne that are not easy to conceal. Nonetheless, Daeron settled himself on the throne carefully before unsheathing Dark Sister from its scabbard. The Vlayrian steel sword was stabbed into the floor at the foot of the throne with Daeron using the dragonbone handle of the sword as a support for his palm.

“We are gathered here on this auspicious day to witness the coronation of Daeron Targaryen son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark on the 304th year of Aegon’s Conquest of these Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. As all the gods as witnesses, I charge him to uphold the laws of the gods. As all the lords and ladies of the Seven Kingdoms as witnesses, I charge him to defend these lands, uphold the laws of men and reign over the realm as King in accordance with the blood right inherited from Aegon the First.” Marwyn proclaimed.

Marwyn produced a crown made of silver with rubies and offered it to Daenerys.

She was a little surprised to have received the crown as she had imagined Grandmaester Marwyn was supposed to crown her husband. Usually, the High Septon was supposed to crown the Kings on the Iron throne as it was a tradition adopted by Aegon the First. But Daeron had argued rightly against continuing that tradition as there was no High Septon to speak of thanks to Cersei Lannister and the Faith of the Seven was technically in rebellion against the Iron Throne by violating the edicts of Jaehaerys the Conciliator by resurrecting the Faith Militant. It was also important to consider the Great Sept of Baelor has been reduced to a pile of rubble on Visenya’s Hill. The Faith in King’s landing was non-existent all thanks to the Lannisters.

“I want you to crown me. Who better than a dragon to crown another dragon?” Daeron smiled.

Daenerys grinned and nodded her assent. She happily took the silver crown and placed it on her husband’s brow. Trumpets blared as the crown settled comfortably on Daeron’s brow announcing the crowning of the King of the Seven Kingdoms. Drums also picked up a gradual high note while the trumpets began to come down from their high pitch.

Grandmaester Marwyn raised his hand and the music came to a halt the gathered lords and ladies clapped politely for a time before they too fell silent but observing.

“As the gods as witnesses, I charge Daenerys Targaryen, the Princess of Dragonstone, to uphold the laws of gods. As all the lord and ladies as witnesses, I charge her to defend these lands, uphold the laws of men and reign as Queen of these Seven Kingdoms.” Marwyn proclaimed before offering a silver circlet full of rubies to Daeron.

Daenerys found herself crowned by Daeron with the circlet.

“I crown you as my queen of love and beauty.” Daeron whispered to her as he adjusted the circlet on her head making her smile up at him while her cheeks reddened at the gesture.

Daenerys ducker head and took hold of her skirts while executing a perfect curtsey while the lords, ladies and knights of the realm cheered. Servants brought forth an ornate chair made of oak and silver placing it right beside the Iron Throne.

“Daeron?” she looked uncertainly at her husband.

“I want my Queen by my side and not stand far out of my reach.”

That was the only explanation she got from her husband. She never imagines she’d receive a throne in the Red Keep right beside her husband. By the shocked looks on the lords and ladies in the hall, she knew she was not the only one stunned by this turn of events. She numbly sat on the shining ornate throne with red silky cushions. Her throne was the epitome of elegance and beauty compared to the towering monstrous form of the Iron Throne.

“On the seventh day of the third moon of the 304th year of Aegon’s Conquest, the reign of King Daeron Targaryen the Third and Queen Daenerys Targaryen of the Seven Kingdoms begins.” Grandmaester Marwyn declared with more applause filling the throne room.

Daenerys was overwhelmed to have sitten beside her husband facing the throne room. She could feel the eyes of every lord and lady in the room on her which made her sweat a little.

‘One would think I’d have grown accustomed to these stares by now.’ she thought.

She eyed her husband who was also sweating a little. But she gathered the sharp notches of the Iron throne were the reason rather than the sea of eyes that were being trained on them in the throne room.

“I think I know what my first decree is going to be,” Daeron whispered to her as Grandmaester Marwyn began welcoming guests and foreign dignitaries by name for presenting their gifts.

“Oh. What’ll that be?” Daenerys asked curiously.

“To do away with this blasted chair and build something that I can sit on properly without getting skewered to death.” Daeron muttered.

Daenerys was not the only one who laughed. Her ladies-in-waiting also giggled showing that her husband was not as discreet as he imagined. She could even see a grin on the faces of Ser Lyn Corbray and Ser Barristan while the kingsguard knights took up their position by the foot of the Iron Throne. For the next hour, Daenerys along with Daeron greeted their guest who came bearing gifts while a feast ran parallel to the gift-giving ceremony. Most gifts came in the form of tapestries, ornaments of silver and gold, precious gems, Myrish carpets, glass candles, chandeliers, ornate daggers, bows, axes and even fancy silverware.  It was quite difficult for her to constantly maintain a smile throughout the night. As a result, her face was hurting at one point. So, when the Grandmaester declared the ceremony to an end and declared that it was time for the bedding she was just downright relieved.

Daeron was insistent on abandoning any type of Andal tradition in the wedding ceremony but he adopted the First Men tradition of escorting the newly cloaked bride to be escorted to the chamber by the groom’s mother or sister.

“I like this tradition better. I don’t think I’d have enjoyed some random men touching me inappropriately and that’d have been my fate tonight if Daeron hadn’t chosen to do away with the Andal traditions.” Daenerys said appreciatively as she was escorted by Arya to Daeron’s chambers.

It was not just Arya of course. There was Lyra Mormont, Missandei, Gwyneth Brune and Eustace Celtigar as her escorts.

“First Men traditions say the women of the groom’s family escort the bride to the groom’s chambers. Sansa would’ve loved to be here for the ceremony.” said Arya.

Daenerys had the feeling that her goodsister was not one for traditions and long ceremonies. She had seen the bored look Arya was sporting throughout their walk which was not particularly long.

“In Bear Islands, the groom carries the wife to their bedchambers after they exchange vows before a Heart Tree.” Lyra Mormont said.

“Oh, is it? That’s so romantic! I wish I had a wedding like that.” Eustace Celtigar gushed.

Daenerys heard Arya let out a scoff and mutter something about stupid girls and stupid weddings. Nothing further could be said about the matter as they reached Daeron’s chamber.

‘No, it’s our chamber now.’ she corrected herself.

Arya held the door open for her to which she gracefully skipped over to the other side.

“Enjoy the night your grace.” Missandei said.

And that was the last she heard from any of her ladies in waiting as Arya closed the door.

When Daenerys turned around, she saw Daeron sitting by the fireplace observing her. She set her shoes aside before she stepped on the massive carpet that spanned the length of the room. She had noticed one other thing about her nephew. Daeron was someone who meticulously pursued order and cleanliness in his room.

“Wine?” Daeron offered her a glass filled with the red liquid.

“I’m no stranger to wine.” said Daenerys, taking the offered cup gracefully and took a sip. The taste was sweet just as she preferred. “Thank you.”

“We do have some plans to prepare.”

Daenerys frowned. “What plans?”

“We must knock the Ironborn out of the Reach and in the process take control of Highgarden. I plan on sending a token force from Highgarden up the ocean road into the Westerlands. For too long the lords of Westerlands have kept their silence. They’ll swear their vows or they’ll perish with the Lannisters hiding under the rock. At the same time, we must end the Blackfyre line and push the Dornish army back to the Marches. Then we need to…”

Her frown only deepened as Daeron continued to speak of his plans all the while she drained the wine, unclasped her cloak in quick succession and set aside her crown. She reached forward and pushed Daeron, an act that took her husband totally by surprise because he fell into the couch on his back.

“Does your plan involve mounting a dragon, your grace?” she asked coyly as she slipped into Daeron’s lap smoothly.

“It certainly does.” Daeron breathed before capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

XXXX Lemon scene (available in discord channel) XXXX

Daenerys blinked a few times to escape the blurriness in her eyes. She was sprawled out on the bed with her face resting on dark red silk pillows. She looked out of the window with her bleary eyes but it was dark outside. The sound of cackling fire attracted her attention and she managed to focus her eyes enough to see Daeron sitting near the fireplace poking at the fire.

“Daeron? You’re awake?” Daenerys slowly managed to raise herself on her elbows to look at her husband.

“The fire went out and it was getting cold.” Daeron explained.

She didn’t like it one bit that he was awake and left her alone in bed. Rubbing the sleep away from her eyes she pulled herself out of the bed with a red silk sheet draped over her naked body. She shivered as a small wind glided into the room which made her stride across the room faster. Holding the silk sheet tightly to her body she came near the fireplace to get herself warmer. While she was at it, she made sure to show an extra bit of skin on ‘accident’ while she was getting warmed up by the fireplace. At first, it was an innocent hiking of the red silk up her thighs as she adjusted to get more heat on her skin. Then it was a small slip-up of the silk sheet from her shoulder as she adjusted her loose silver mane. When she made herself bend over to pick a berry from the table purposefully hiking up the thin article of silk covering her nubile body she got the reaction she wanted from Daeron.

Her eyes widened when an arm went around her waist and pulled her. She was barely able to let out a squeak as she found herself on Daeron’s lap.

“You minx.”

She heard Daeron mutter as his hands explored her body making her feel she was on fire. She pressed a light kiss with Daeron and surprised him by sharing the berry that was on her lips with him. She carefully adjusted herself in his lap so that she could lock her arms around his neck and look into his grey eyes.

“I don’t like to wake up alone in bed.” she said as a way of explaining herself.

“I’ll keep that in mind from now on.” Daeron said, chuckling against her lips before fleetingly capturing her lower lip in a kiss.

“What were you doing this early in the morning?” she asked, adjusting herself in his arms so that she could take a better look at the parchments strewn across the small stand.

She could make out a map of the Reach with markings on Bitterbridge, Highgarden, Brightwater Keep, and the Shield Islands. Then there were small dotted lines and some circles all along the Dornish Marches piquing her interest.

“What is all that?” she asked but received only a low growl in response from her husband.

“I’d have explained to you earlier but now… no way!” Daeron declared, easily taking her into his arms and carrying her to their bed while their lips danced against each other.

Daenerys could only let out a low moan lewdly as she fell into bed with Daeron on top not to rise again for quite a few hours.


Val was running for her life as were her companions. She cursed herself for committing to this folly. She had ventured out to the Fist based on rumours that there were more survivors. She had hoped to save as much of the Free Folk as she can from the area and lead them to the Gorge where the boats were making their way around the Wall. She had even managed to send off a few and thereby deny a few more wights for the Others. That was the entire reason she went ahead with this suicidal task.

The only problem was she fell into a false sense of security after not encountering wights or the Others for a long time which made her extend her stay a bit longer than she initially planned.

‘I should’ve listened to Frenya and left this icy hell weeks ago.’ she thought to herself running through the snow hoping in vain to escape the cold hands of death.

“I told you we should leave while we can.” Frenya complained, running as fast as their legs could carry.

“Yes, you did. Now run you bitch if you don’t want to become one of them.” Willow screamed, her dark hair dancing in the wind while jabbing her thumb over her shoulder.

Val chanced a look to her back only to see the horrifying sight of a swarm of wights chasing them with rotten flesh hanging on to their boney figures. There was nothing but malice in their bright icy blue eyes.

“Oh, gods!” Frenya gasped as she came to a sudden halt seeing more wights converging them from the sides. “We’re being surrounded.”

Val also came to a halt and brandished her weapons as she saw there was no hope in running out of the trap closing in on them.

“What’ll we do?” Willow cried looking frantically around seeing wights everywhere.

“We fight our way out.” Val said grimly.

Everyone gulped as they knew for certain the outcome of this battle. They were barely fifteen in number and the enemy was thrice their number. The only advantage they had was that they were wielding dragonglass weapons. Not all of them but they could definitely cut down a few wights with the weapons in their possession.

Val tightened her grip over her axe and dug her heels in as the first group of the wights closed in. Letting out a scream she struck fast straight into the skull of a wight. The wight shattered into pieces as the obsidian edge of the axe dug into its skull. She hacked and crushed the wave of wights that dared to come her way one by one.

‘I’ll live. I’ll live. I’ll live.’ she chanted as she cut down each of the wights.

But the more she cut down the more wights were coming her way. She could even see more wights running towards them than they counted from the treeline making her heart drop.

“Val!” Frenya screamed.

Val was brought back out of her despair as she smacked a wight trying to overpower Frenya from her side by smacking the butt of her axe into the neck of the wight. The wight was dislodged from Frenya allowing the spearwife to stab a dagger into the ribs of the wight. The wight went down but they were not allowed a moment’s respite as more and more wights came running towards their position.

“There are too many.” Val muttered watching the horde of screaming wights coming their way.

Val realized they were going to die for sure. Her only regret was that her sister’s son would now grow up without a father, a mother and now an aunt.

Suddenly a giant boulder smashed into the line of wights crushing a bunch of them into a fine dust of bones.

Val along with her fellow spearwives watched in wonder as the wights came to a stop seemingly looking at the boulder in disbelief. Val blinked but she didn’t miss as small rocks blinking like fireflies were flung over their heads. The rocks fell into the lines of wights and proceeded to explode into bright globes of flames wiping out the entire line in one go.

A crow suddenly landed on Val’s shoulder startling her. She nearly smashed the bird with the flat of her axe if it wasn’t for the bird began cawing, “To the rocks! Retreat to the rocks!”

Val slowly looked behind her and sure enough, there were rocks a few paces behind her. But what caught her eye was the number of giants and most importantly the Children of Forest standing on the shoulder of the giants.

“Retreat! Run for the rocks.” Val shouted to her fellow spearwives.

They ran as if their lives depended on it. The giants and the Children continued to throw boulders and the strange blinking rocks at the wights as more and more began to chase them to the rock. It was only when they finally reached the rocks they saw more giants and Children of the Forest hiding behind the rocks.

The crow flew away from her shoulder and landed near a boy who was lying on a wooden sledge guarded by a green-eyed girl looking at them warily.

“Who’re you?” Val asked, surprised to see what she assumed was a crippled boy and a girl dressed like a Free Folk in the company of giants and Children of the Forest.

“My name is Brandon Stark.” The crippled boy said airily as if his mind was elsewhere.

“Stark? Are you…?”

“I’m Jon’s brother or maybe his cousin. I’m not sure.” said Brandon, a peculiar frown on his face.

Val looked back into the battlefield to see the wights were held back by the fire thanks to the magic of the Children.

“We should go Brandon Stark. Show us the way.” one of the Children spoke.

“We follow the Gorge. That’s the safest path,”

“What about Castle Black?” Frenya asked frantically.

“Only death waits for those who try to brave the Haunted Forest.” said Brandon with a surety that made Val believe the cripple. “We follow the waters of the Gorge.”