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Since Sirius is now a free man and the summer vacations are drawing close there is a mole time for Harry to train and become an animagus. Of course, Harry could use this time as a vacation and on the side get some duelling training done. 

So, do you want Harry to take up animagus training during the vacation? If so, vote yes.

If you think becoming an animagus is a little too much then vote no.



Unless it will become relevant to the plot, I don't see any reason why Harry should invest his precious time and effort into a whimsical endeavor that he can do when he is older. Becoming an Animagus is not hard but very time consuming. That's time best spent training or learning.


Every bit of magic counts. However, I tend to agree with your assessment. Becoming an animagus certainly won't increase Harry's offensive abilities. Although, it could be used as an undetected more of transport. He could escape out of tight spots if he keeps his animagus form a secret like the Marauders.

Charles Yonts

There could also potentially be rituals that allow harry to be connected on a deeper level giving him some slight advantages of the animal. Like a little enhanced reflexes, or senses, or endurance, or any number of things. Honestly, over thousands of years that’s a ritual I would expect a Druid or shaman to have come up with at some point, and the black library may have it, or potter.

Jeffrey Smith

Only if you go with his form being a bird of some kind. That way he can fly and probably spy with his form.


You should make it so he sacrifices the basilisk he killed in some esoteric ritual he finds in the RoR gaining to be a basilisk animagus. Perhaps the condition for the ritual should be to slay the beast without magic, fortunately like Harry did with the sword.