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The first modernization attempt by Harrion Stark.

  • Making indigenous glass. 3
  • Expanding the farmlands 18
  • Building dams and other reservoirs. 6
  • Expansion of the Kingsroad 3
  • Advancement in construction technology 24
  • 2022-01-04
  • —2022-01-31
  • 54 votes
{'title': 'The first modernization attempt by Harrion Stark.', 'choices': [{'text': 'Making indigenous glass. ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Expanding the farmlands', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Building dams and other reservoirs. ', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Expansion of the Kingsroad', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Advancement in construction technology', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 31, 7, 8, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 4, 12, 12, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 54}


What new technology or modernization should Harry implement first? Obviously, there are a ton of things he can do. And I k ow you all have varying levels of opinion. I'll try to put as many options as I can cause I can roll with any of the proposed options. 

If I miss something don't worry. Just leave a comment and it can be included in the story some other time in the future. 

The first option, which is the making of indigenous glass entails the expansion of Glass Houses all across the North. It also includes the making of glass-paned windows to the castles and other glass products like glasses, handicrafts etc.

The second option entails improving the yield of farmlands through magical rituals. 

The third option involves harnessing the power of the White Knife. Using the water to power industries like steel mills and flour mills along the banks of the river. This means the power hammer will take the North by storm and mass production of steel. It also means small reservoirs will be made which promotes fish farming. 

The fourth option is quite self-explanatory. It involves the construction of tributary roads to the Kingsroad and thereby increasing trade throughout the North.

I didn't include the rail project a dear patron suggested simply because it can only happen, if it ever will, only after the third option is implemented in the North.

Option five means Winterfell gets reconstructed with Cement. It also means the construction of better bridges and reconstruction of Moat Cailin. 

I can think of more options but we will explore them later. Leave your suggestions in the comment box or on the discord server. There is a channel dedicated to Dragonlord. Your ideas will be appreciated or you can just DM me. 


Jaime Alejandro Rey Baella

Roman brick, Roman concrete, The use of vaults, arches and domes, the aqueducts, Watermills, Romans Roads, Water Cisterns, Mosaics, Roman roofs, Spiral stairs, Central heating through underfloor channels, Treadwheel crane, Stationary harbour crane, Floating crane, Mast crane, Wheelbarrow, Rib vault, Hypocaust


I just joined and I know I'm too late to give my opinion but I would like to still leave my thoughts here. The most important resource that can make or break a civilization is food. Egypt since ancient times was known as the granary of the world. Carthage could match Rome's legions due to their excellent agriculture system. It was so good that when the Romans burned Carthage they destroyed all their books and artifacts EXCEPT for the works on farming and agriculture. China could maintain their massive empire for millennia due to their vast arable lands. England started the agriculture revolution before the Industrial revolution. My point is; Food should always come first. If Harrion wants to help the North develop then he should focus all his efforts on agriculture. Through science and magic and even with the help of the Earth Singers the North can definitely prosper. Once they have a stable food source, they can explore other venues