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Brynden found the King in the most unexpected of places. He had searched the armoury, the training yards, he had even sent men near the dragon to find the King. All this time, King Daeron was present near the blistering heat of Riverrun’s forges where smiths were toiling away. 

There was a great deal of work to be done by the smiths. Swords have to be forged, spears have to be made and arrowheads have to be cast. War was coming and men need weapons to spill the blood of other men. The Lannisters has most graciously given them a generous donation of steel with their ruined camps. A lot of steel had melted in Dragonfire but those were salvageable. 

Even after a week, men were picking up useful steel from the burned remains of Lannister camp. Some swords and shields had remained intact and he was in the process of arming the unified Riverland army.

For once, the bickering Riverland lords were united. They were more than happy to let the King decide how the new army was being assembled. 

The question is, why was the King enduring the smoke and heat of the forges?

“Your grace.” Brynden sought the attention of the King.

“Ser Brynden.” the King acknowledged but otherwise remained unmoving, opting to stare at the work being done by the smith. 

This got Brynden curious and he looked at what the smith was working on. He frowned at what he saw. It looks like an axe but at the same time, it was not.

“What is this thing?” Brynden asked bewildered. 

“My lord, the King asked of me a weapon most new…” the smith trailed off perhaps noticing his less than pleased visage. 

“If you are meaning to deceive the King with your foolish fantasies…” Brynden threatened

“Peace, Ser Brynden. Master Tollard is not at fault. I commissioned the weapon.” said Daeron 

“I have never seen anything like this.” whispered Brynden, eyeing the weapon with interest. 

The metal was red hot and the smith continued to hammer the weapon. Even so, he could see the shape of the weapon clear as day. The weapon had an axe blade but there end all similarities with an axe. The axe blade is incorporated into a long blade that looked like a spike or tip of a spear. 

“Your grace, I don't think there will be much use for this weapon on the battlefield.” commented Brynden, mustering up as much politeness as he could manage. 

He was not blind to the follies and fantasies of youth. Many young lords had taken up reins of power early on and thought to prove themselves with ‘bright’ ideas. It always ended in a disaster of some form. The lucky few only tasted disappointment while the worst of them drove their families to the ground with debt. This folly was especially damaging in times of war when resources are scarce to come by. 

“Not as it is.” Daeron agreed. “There is yet one more component to finish the weapon.” 

Brynden blinked as the king handed him a long wooden shaft to his hand. 

“Your grace?” 

“The weapon that I envision will only be completed when this modified axe is mounted on this wooden shaft.” said Daeron eyeing the shaft. “It takes time to train an average soldier in swordplay. But, it is easy to train them with a spear. A slight modification to the spear is all that is needed to exploit this advantage.”

“Why the axe though? What advantage could it give to an average soldier?” asked Brynden, a bit curious himself. 

“We are going to face the large armies of the Reach, Crownlands and Westerlands. I believe Westerlands is not going to be easily pacified and South prides themselves on your knights.” said Daeron before taking the wooden shaft from Brynden's arms and made a jab at the air. “What happens when the average soldier is not just able to poke spears at armoured knights but pull them down from horseback with the axe?” 

Brynden thought long and hard. It was indeed a leap to think the weapon could perform as the King imagined. But, he could see the advantage in training a group of men to perform this task and cavalry charges could be made into a trap for knights. A full plated knight falling unbalanced from a horse was dangerous. Once down, it'd take time to regain balance, time that men could take advantage of in the chaos of battle.

Yes, he could see the uses of such a weapon if used properly by good men.

“You realise the value of such a weapon. The advantage that we will enjoy especially when we have to fight mounted knights is exceptional, provided the men are well-trained.” said Daeron

‘It'd seem I am easy to read.’ thought Brynden

“I can see several advantages and training a group of men won’t be that much hard. What I'm concerned about is the weapon's speedy construction. Can it be made quickly enough and in large numbers?” 

Brynden directed his gaze at the smith who became uncomfortable wonder the inquiring gaze of two highborn. 

“His grace had me working on this weapon the whole week. Moulds have to be made and the process is new. The axe blade has to be at a medium size. Not too thick but not too thin…”

“Master Tollard. Can you produce enough of them fast enough to arm a sizeable portion of army say 200 men?” asked Brynden, cutting off the smith from blabbing too much. 

“I’ll need more help and more steel.”

“You shall have everything you need to build these....” Brynden paused 

"Halberd. The weapon's name is Halberd."

A strange name for a strange weapon, thought Brynden.

 The smith went back to his work while Brynden followed the King out of the smith's shop.

“How fares Lord Edmure?” asked Daeron

Brynden didn’t know what to do with his nephew. Edmure had isolated himself in his room scarcely showing his head to others. Even if Edmure came out he remained silent and refused to meet anyone's eyes much less speak. The situation did not bode well, Brynden knew. Yet, he found himself bereft of an answer on how to approach his nephew. 

This lack of clarity made him throw himself to his duties. He was an old man too close to his death. Brynden knew that he may not live to see the end of this war. He was old and tired. He was no longer the man he was. He would serve as best as he could, and then, if the Seven wills it, he will die a good death. 

“I’m afraid my nephew remains withdrawn. I'm sure he will regain his vigour once the war starts.” 

A lie, Brynden knew, but one that he tried to believe. He was tired, oh so tired, to handle emotional drama when he has a war to prepare for. 

“I see. I pray he regains his…” Daeron trailed off before settling for, “…strength.”

Brynden nodded and hoped that was the case. 

“Is there anything else Ser Brynden?” asked Daeron

“Aye, your grace. Two ravens came one from King's Landing while the other from Duskandale.” Brynden said, handing over the two parchments to the King. 

Brynden watched as Daeron's eyes narrowed at the message from King's Landing and looked pleasantly surprised by the one from Duskandale. 

“This has to be discussed in the presence of Lords.” decided Daeron


“I shall make the arrangements.” promised Brynden.

A few moments later, Brynden was seated beside the King in the great hall where the lords assembled on short notice. The Riverlords have been sending out ravens to their castles asking to imprison any Lannister allies. The lords would have dared not move against the lions with their strength so sapped by the wars. Having said that, seeing as there is a fire-breathing dragon as an ally, armies tend to be useless.  

“As you all know, I had sent an offer of peace to the Lannisters.” began King Daeron.

Brynden recalled it was not a peace offer but an outright threat. 

“There should be no peace with the Lannisters after what they have done.” declared Lord Theomar Smallwood, a recent addition to the Riverlander lords. 

The Lord of Acorn Hall has been hunting down a few bandits. At least, that’s what was Lord Smallwood was supposed to do. Instead, the man had been harrying the Lannister supply lines. A fact that has earned Lord Theomar praise from Karyl Vance who had planned it all out. Not to mention, the King's promise to restore Acron Hall at the Crown's expense. It also helped Lady Smallwood had unknowingly housed Arya Stark when she was travelling with Beric Dondarrion. 

“A sentiment I wholeheartedly agree and we won’t be denied that chance, my lord. The proud lions have denied my peace proposals and offered to buy us out with offers of gold…lots of gold.” said Daeron with a faint growl.

“Have they no shame!” cried Karyl Vance. “After all the bloodshed and butchery, they think gold will keep them safe.” 

“The entire line of Lann is cursed. A bunch of fork-tongued crooks, the lot of them!” snarled Lord Tytos Blackwood. 

A welcome addition in Riverrun's walls, Brynden thought. 

Tytos had raised his banners in rebellion in the aftermath of Red Wedding. The man lost a son at the Twins and was the only lord bold enough to defy the lions openly. Brynden along with the other lords were quite surprised when they learned of Raventree Hall's emancipation from the King. They were further surprised when Lord Tytos rode in from the north cutting down the Freys that tried to flee north of Red Fork. It does not have to be said Lord Blackwood was heaped with great honours. 

Brynden eyed Hoster Blackwood who stood dutifully behind the King's seat. A somewhat strange boy who spoke so much about books like a maester. Now, the boy remains a squire for the King. A few times he had seen the King personally teach the boy in the training yard. If his instinct is true Lord Blackwood will get far more than just a son being the squire of the King. The King had decided that House Bracken is dead and not allowed to continue holding their lands or titles. 

As far as he knows, there is no male heir left in House Bracken. The seat of Stone Hedge will be up for grabs and it is more than likely House Blackwood may gain those lands. At least, Blackwood lands will be expanded, that much he knew. 

“The curse of Lannisters is nothing they inherited my lord. It is something their dear Lord Tywin instilled in each Lannister since his ascension. Arrogance!” shouted Daeron standing up from his seat. 

“The arrogance to think that there will be no consequences for his actions. The arrogance to flout all the laws of the land when waging a war. The arrogance to steal something that is not theirs. We have seen this the last time when Tywin the Mad Lion butchered my siblings. We have seen this when he burned Riverlands and butchered innocents. We have seen this when he concocted the Red Wedding with those vermin of Twins and the barbaric Boltons. We have seen this when he stole the ancestral weird of House Stark like a common thief.” 

Brynden took note the lords of Riverlands were hanging to each word the king was uttering. Even he felt blood rush in his veins feeling the need to smash something. 

“To think that there is no consequence when this wretched family murdered Robb, someone who was my brother. To think they can escape judgement when the ill-born bastard Joffrey Waters had my cousin Sansa stripped bare in front of the whole court. To think that they can escape punishment when they murdered Ned Stark and all our loved ones in this war.” Daeron let out a deep breath gripping the pommel of Dark Sister. 

“They have launched a war and waged a dishonourable war! They have killed brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers in this unjust war. They have abandoned honour and waged war in most barbaric ways. This is not how nobles wage war. This is not how lords should behave and this barbarism must be punished.” declared Daeron before walking around the table. 

A few moments later Brynden stood near Karyl Vance as Tywin Frey, Willem Frey, Lyonel Frey and Genna Lannister were dragged outside the walls of Riverrun. The Freys were all strong-armed out of their cells and tied together on a rope. Jenna Lannister was held back by a Tully soldier to make sure the woman was watching what was about to happen. 

“Lady Lannister, any last words for your children's benefit?” asked Daeron

“No, please. You can’t do this. We are prisoners!” pleaded Genna looking around at the assembled lords. Yet none came for her defence. 

“I demand a trial by combat under the Light of the Seven.” Genna tried as she realized no one was speaking up for her. 

“Then let it be known I am waiting for the Seven to come to your defence.” said Daeron before turning his back to Genna. 

“For the crimes of treason, breaking guest rights and flouting all the laws of gods and men I declare a Blood Feud. A blood feud between House Targaryen against Lannisters and Freys. A feud that will end upon the total annihilation of both of these barbaric Houses.” Daeron declared 

That declaration by Daeron was followed by Rhaegal landing near the banks of Red Fork behind the Freys. Their calls for mercy and help fell on deaf ears. 


Red hot flames washed over the Frey children and grandchildren of Genna Lannister. The flames burned so hot and bright, the bodies turned to ashes in few moments. 

“No….No! My children!” wailed Genna struggling in the grasp of soldiers. 

“The Lannisters pay their debts, do they not? The Lannisters owe me a debt… a Blood Debt! And I am here to reap it, with interest!” said Daeron as he took hold of Genna Lannister and threw her headfirst into the fire. 

The screams were indeed difficult to bear more so the smell. Brynden had only one thought going through his mind. The Lannisters scream just like anyone else and he hopes, he was going to get accustomed to this noise. He was sure it was going to be a recurring event in this war. 


Blood Feud, a term not commonly used in Westeros as there were very few instances in the Seven Kingdoms that come under this term. Although, the term fits perfectly in describing the state of affairs between House Blackwood and the extinct House Bracken for generations. 

Even so, the term was first coined by King Daeron Targaryen the Third after he liberated Riverrun from a siege, in the battle of Great Cleansing. 

King Daeron III was the son of Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, whose eloping started a chain of events that led to the downfall of House Targaryen. In the aftermath of the disastrous reign of Robert Baratheon the Whoremongering Usurper, sometimes known as the Usurper, the great continent of Westeros fell into a series of ruinous wars. House Stark who had lost its lord to treachery and deceit to Cersei Lannister the Whore of Rock decided to declare independence from the Iron Throne.

In a most barbarous act, Tywin Lannister the Mad Lion concocted and executed a plan to murder the Starks in a wedding with the support of House Bolton. Their accomplice, House Frey, managed to execute the plan, killing their guests by violating the most sacred law of Guest Rights! The sheer arrogance and cruelty displayed by these most unclean Houses lit the fires of revenge in the heart of King Daeron, who was bound by the oaths he swore to the Night's Watch. It is said the killing was so brutal, the blood had flown all the way out of the Twins to the Green Fork. 

The young king of the North, Robb Stark fondly remembered as the Young Wolf, a most honourable man and puissant warrior, was slain most cruelly at the Red Wedding. From the accounts given by survivors of the Red Wedding like Marq Piper a few surviving Freys, the Northern King had fought with nothing but a fork and table knife even as six crossbow bolts punched through his heart. The last King of the North had fought most ferociously to stave off those who were attacking his pregnant queen, Talisa Maegyr. 

Many Riverland and Northern Houses lost friends and family in the Red Wedding. This single event, while momentarily securing Lannister power in the capital city, ultimately contributed to an equally harsh retaliation from the noble houses of the Riverlands and the North. 

The survivors of Red Wedding in Riverlands continued to defy the greedy clutches of Lannisters. Lannisters who had by then allied with House Tyrell managed to make several houses bow out of the rebellion in return for amnesty. It is during this time, Jaime Lannister, the most dishonourable knight Westeros has ever seen after Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch, siege Riverrun. 

The Lord Commander of Tommen Waters' Kingsguard never realised, the Dragon had taken to the field of battle. While Jaime Lannister sieged Riverrun, King Daeron had liberated Raventree Hall from the Brackens. The King then made his way to Riverrun atop his draconic mount Rhaegal and set the Lannister army on fire. 

While the Lannister army was reinforced by knights and levies of Crownlands and Stormlands, none could bear the might of a dragon. The accounts of the battle outside Riverrun's walls are contentious. Some say most of the lords and knights were vaporised by King Daeron's initial assault. Others claim those few who survived later died of wounds. Other claims suggest the King or the Tullys themselves ordered the wounded to be killed to alleviate their misery. 

While there are conflicting claims all accounts point to the singular fact that most of the Lannisters and their allies perished in this battle. Chief among those who perished are Lyle Crakehall, Addam Marbrand, Jonsmyn Peckledon, Ser Emmon Frey, Gawen Westerling, Raynald Westerling, Rolland Westerling, Elys Westerling, Forley Prester. 

It was the single most worst defeat and deaths the Lannister army suffered after the War of Five Kings. A better part of their lords perished outside Riverrun's walls. House Westerling was decimated in their male line and the rest of the houses lost their capable heirs and second sons. The combined Lannister-Frey army counted 5000 men out of which near 4000 lay dead. The rest were scattered or wounded permanently. The Stormland and Crowlnad host was spared this culling on the lucky chance they were dug in at Harrenhall. 

With Riverrun liberated the Riverlords once again bent the knee to a Targaryen. It was in the precipe of this victory, King Daeron extended an offer for peace with the Lannisters. Many of the Riverlords were notably dissatisfied with the King's decision to end the bloodshed. They were unaware of the looming danger beyond the Wall. 

Yet, the Lannisters once again displayed their arrogance by denying peace opting for war. The Lannisters were openly challenging the King and King Daeron of House Targaryen accepted. He saw no other path other than the destruction of House Lannister to end this war. A feud was declared by the Dragon King the moment his peace overtures were rejected. A feud that took the name of Blood Feud. 

Perhaps, if the Lannisters had known the extend of King Daeron's resolve they would have surrendered. Yet, the Lannisters like many others throughout history never looked at the future and focused on the victories of their past. A mistake, for which they paid a steep price in Fire and Blood!

The first victims of the Blood Feud:

1.Tywin Frey

2.Willem Frey

3.Lyonel Frey

4.Genna Lannister


And they most assuredly were not the last. 

- An excerpt from The Great Dragon Wars by Dr Harwin Goodlore, Professor of Royal University, Dragonstone

 Author of The Light of Dawn, Walking with Giants, The Earthsingers, The Dragon and the Great Other


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