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Three news.

Tomorrow I will enable the download of the Akeno mini project. So everyone can get their 4k version in the best quality.

Second on Friday the commissions will open. If someone in the Star and Super Star tier wants to commission something, don't forget to send a message to check your request. (If you need more information, the message will help you)

Third this is a commission with an intro and a little more work like the animation of Aqua, it was sponsored by the same client. Now the problem with this animation involves an animal cof*cof* horse cof* cof* 

Probably i cut the gif, put a warning and whoever likes to see said animation will be up to you.

It doesn't mean I'll do more things like this, it was just a special request.

Anyway let me know if something like this bothers you or not? Because your opinion is very important to bring different things from time to time.




A warning is a good touch for 3rd commission!


Yes please a warning of sorts!

Smart Idiot

I am interested in seeing it. Also I am excited for comms

Lord Devilry

Thanks for the warning. Didn't need to see that


I have no problems with that sort of content but it would be a good idea to provide a warning at least for those who don't wish to see that to avoid any problems and what not from those who dislike it. Aside from that I'll be continuing to look forward to your future content!