The Complete Ardour MIDI Tutorial: Early Access Part 5 (Patreon)
2020-12-14 01:35:54
2020-12-14 01:47:26
Phew. So close to the finish line, yet so much work still to be done.
I've seen some borked animations in here and lots of nasty greenscreen trouble.
I'm gonna need to sort it out for the final release...
Hopefully I'll manage to do it before 2020 ends.
For now - enjoy. I think there's a lot of valuable knowledge in here, and also some pretty decent jokes. I hope.
Let me know what you think - if you've spotted any problems - please let me know what mm:ss the trouble appears in - that'll help me fix them for the final release.
Thank you all so much fro supporting my work, I wouldn't be able to do this without your generous monthly donations!
Stay safe and learn Ardour MIDI!
- unfa