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If you've ever tried it, you know that open-source video editing is a tough subject. It's hard to find a tool that will be feature-full and stable. There are many applications, but only a few that can really cut it (pun intended) for complex projects.

I used Blender's Video Sequence Editor for many years to make my videos, however it has some issues that are probably not going to be fixed in near future, because Blender's development is focused in another areas. So I've finally decided to learn Kdenlive and see if it can replace Blender in my workflow to improve my efficiency with video editing.

Recording videos is one thing, but then I need to take out the junk, and make the experience as good as possible for the viewer. Editing the footage takes a major part of my time making videos. And for multicam composited footage it's a pain in Blender to do that, becasue it's crazy slow even on a very beefy machine, and even with Proxy editing. I could rant on about this for hours, but I'll just link you to a previous video I made on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6PD6Zsh1bo

Looks like Kdenlive will be able to do the job and help me get the cuts there faster - letting me make more videos with less effort spent on just working around Blender's quirks and bugs. Hopefully. We'll see how it goes.

I guess the next unfa vlog video will be edited in Kdenlive. I have to complete at least one project with it to be able to really compare the workflow with Blender and see if switching to Kdenlive will be a good move.

So in the meantime I'll probably drop some more track WIPs as I make them, along with Ardour sessions for you to download and play around with.

There's also a video documentary coming from my trip to Köln for Sonoj Convention 2017.

Thank you for your support, and patience :)

- unfa




I'll see in the future if Kdenlive is stable or not. Now I going to use Blender for my project. 90% is simple cuting, transitions, sometimes coror corection, and gradiing. Its not so easy to find a program with 3Dmodeling-animation, greenscreen masking, motion tracking, stabilizing. It has a very big potential. Cinerella looks quite interesting but I heard it is unstable


I tried learning Cinelerra many years, but I felt really lost inside it. There's also Flowblade that I didn't try very much, but it has a very different approach, OpenShot looks like a toy and crashes like thre's no tomorrow. New PiTiVi looks interesting but lacks basic features (like keyframe animation), and isn't very stable right now, Shotcut might be an interesting take, but Kdenlive looks more featureful. Good luck :)