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Dear Patrons!

As promised - you're eligible for free access to all my paid releases, and the upcoming album is the first one. For the whole world - the pre-order phase is on, but not for you...

I have sent out special links with Bandcamp codes to you all.
You'll be able to download the whole album in FLAC right now!
(please note that the final release might bring some minor changes)

Please check your e-mail. If you didn't get a message from unfa[at]unfamusic.com, let me know, I'll send again. If the link doesn't work - let me know. I didn't use any mass-mailing system, I did it by hand. If it landed in spam - let me know :)
If there's another way I should be sending stuff like this to you - let me know, I'll try my best to do it better next time :)
Thank you for your support, and enjoy the music!
- unfa


Pre-order my new album!

Get the album: https://unfa.bandcamp.com/album/suppressed Or become a Patron and I'll send you a code for free download: https://www.patreon.com/unfa



ciekawe ile czasu tworzyles album..swietnie ze moglem kupic go we flacu


Won't you mind if I answer in English for the record? I'd say that this album as an album took me about 8 months, but only because I picked tracks that were already more or less in their definite shape. A lot of things changed in the process still and the result is much more polished then these track were in the beginning. "Sincerly" for example was started about 3 years ago, but I was never happy with the sound design. The composition was 98% perfect, but the instruments were not. The drums were very difficult for that one - I was going for a rock-like sound while still having them fully synthesized. Anyway - I was thinking about writing a little article about the process and the story behind this album. Maybe it'd be an enjoyable read :)


Im waiting for your 'confession' ;)