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Launched on Patreon! · upcoming album preview · need more storage

I've launched my Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/unfa If you haven't seen my Facebook page, here it is: http://facebok.com/unfamusic In this video I unbox a little something and play some music from my upcoming album (to be released winter 2017). Also - I bought a new hard disk and I discover that hotswap is not so easy on Linux. If you want to help me out with making videos, you can either buy me a coffee: http://paypal.me/unfa ...or supply me with it monthly (I really need it!): https://www.patreon.com/unfa PS: Whoa! I made a whole video in one day! Capturing, editing, B-roll, music, rendering, cover image, description, uploading... well almost in 1 day...
