Ayakashi Triangle Fanart - Matsuri and Soga - August 2023 (Patreon)
Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well!
For the next couple months I'll be taking a break from TG-Kini, to finish the FF7 TTATB comic, and do a few other random TG/Fanart stuff I've been wanting to do.
This first thing is a Fanart for Ayakashi Triangle, a gender bending anime that aired earlier this year. The ninja girl get's TG'd by some kind of ninja magic and stuck like that. I like the relationship she has with this Soga/ friend character. He basically treats him like a bro but the friend is uncomfortable around women (what he is now).
Look forward to the finished parts of it next month >:)
Thanks for the support everyone!
New This Month for August 2023=========
- The Toy and the Boy (TTATB) Pg.10
- Ayakashi Triangle Sketches/Lineart
Current Goals for Next Month, September 2023==============
- The Toy and the Boy (TTATB) Pg.11
- Ayakashi Triangle Fanart Painted/Finished