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Hey guys :) How are you all doing? Was Turkey day good for you?? 

Thanks so much for your tier 2 support!! Here's the Tier 2 Rewards I put together for this month.

I put all the rewards in a .zip file for convenience.

Thanks so much for the continued support!!  :)

New This Month for  November 2020=========

  • Gym Fairies Ch.2 Pg 7
  • Trick or Treat OC Male AR - Full Panel Sequences+MISC pics Finished
  • TG-kini - PG 18 Sketch

Current Goals for Next Month==============

  • Alm and Celica TG/GB Versions Interim Panel 2/3
  • Fire Force / Enen no Shobotai - Shinra Kusakabe TG TF Mini Comic (110%)
  • TG-KINI - TG/GB OC Bigger update :)
  • Show by Rock!! - Rom  (Finish Pants/clothed versions, maybe get few more details painted in/ fixes/ Few alternate Versions? ) (110%)
  • Trick and Treat -   Male Age Regression - Story Panel Comic (Probably around 1-12 pages)
  • Underwear Makes the Man - Sketch pg 10



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