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On your way to buy a dress for Ada, you meet one of her old friends, her name's Sofi

I also made this gay little side by side comparison for the old and new Elly hairstyles: http://i.imgur.com/0SYHQwU.jpg My first controversy! :O

Also, as for release schedule, I'm trying to get most of the stuff done for late next week, not giving anything more solid than that, since some of these renders are turning in to real nightmares, and I'm having to redo some stuff. It gives me more time to work on the UI though. I made the main menu look all nice and custom now.

Any new updates until release will come through twitter probably




I'd like to cook something hot on THAT grill!


Why side by side and not kissing :P Love the new look but i would still prefer her old look


I loved the old look better, too, but not that much of a change and the red add some variety to the looks.


Great work, Luxee. Got to laugh at the spelling error, but I am equally guilty. It takes many rounds of proofing to get my typing looking 100% accurate!


I agree. For diversity the red look is okay, but to be honest... sorry, but i prefer the old look better, too. But again. Since both looks are okay... i will adapt and get used to the new look, lol


Im actually not a fan of the new girl. Dont realy care for the face type I guess xD Am i the only one that loves Ellys new look though? I mean sure Ive got a thing for dyed hair and red heads but still


Spellcheck wouldn't catch that because "grill" is a perfectly good word. It's not what's meant I am sure, but it is a good word. (Hint, this is a good example of where you need to proofread to ensure what you're saying is what you really mean. ;))


I like Elly's new hair MUCH more than the old.


In this it just shows how much Ada need some good fatherly loving.


If I could pick one thing to rework, i would say change the mom's hair color. it looks like gray hair.


Im honestly very happy with her design either way but I think the red looks fantastic on her and I just dont understand all the hate xD


Heres hoping we get some decent Ada content eventually. Dont get me wrong I love both Elly and Ada but Elly is obviously the one leading the game around. I just wish we as the player could have a bigger decision on which girl we go for. AT the very least I just hope Ada gets some of the content she deserves


Yeah! Some Ada content whould be rly great, i like that girl.


Use Grammarly <a href="https://gram.ly/Fd9S" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gram.ly/Fd9S</a> Helps with grammar and spelling


@Gamersglory I tried that for a while. Caused more grammatical errors than it fixed. It caught spelling issues, but kept confusing words and tenses. Huge pain in the ass.