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As Bell and Lisa entered the restaurant, they couldn't help but notice the elegant attire of the other guests, a stark contrast to their own more casual outfits. Lisa wore her standard camouflaged uniform, albeit without the ballistic vest, while Bell remained in his pilot uniform. Even the goblins in attendance were dressed to the nines.

Navigating through the restaurant, Bell and Lisa found themselves in the midst of familiar faces. The sight of Lisa, Lukas, Hanna, Amelia, Harris, Hussar, Shruss, Eldrin, and Aurora gathered in one place took Bell by surprise.

Turning to Lisa with a playful smirk, Bell remarked, "And here I thought you brought me on a date."

Lisa chuckled in response. "Not quite, but if you want to, I can arrange one."

"I'd love to," Bell replied, returning her smile.

The group was seated in a private lounge, guarded by a heavily armed ogre sporting a ballistic vest and wielding a formidable AR-15 rifle. Bell couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the imposing figure as they were ushered inside.

"Sir, this way," the ogre said, opening the door to the meeting lounge before closing it behind them.

Stepping into the warm interior, Bell prepared himself for the discussions ahead. He knew that Hanna would likely lead the meeting, given her penchant for organization and planning.

Bell settled into his seat beside Lisa, ready to absorb the discussions unfolding in the meeting. As Hanna began to address the group, Bell anticipated that the focus would likely be on the repercussions of recent events, particularly the destruction of the coalition fleets and his own remarkable leveling up, which had undoubtedly garnered attention within the inner circle.

"Good evening, and thank you all for joining us. Today, our priority is to discuss our path forward, especially in light of our declaration of war and the inevitable realization by the coalition of our existence," Hanna's words set the tone for the meeting.

Bell couldn't help but acknowledge the likelihood that news of the Federation's actions would spread, whether through merchant ships or surviving coalition soldiers. He knew that despite his efforts, it was improbable that every individual within the Federation's territory had been eliminated. There were bound to be patrols or deserters who had escaped, potentially spreading word of their encounters with the Federation.

The possibility that these individuals might integrate with the human refugees coordinated by Hussar was a troubling thought. Bell considered the implications, recognizing that they could potentially face challenges similar to those encountered with Aya, albeit without the influence of brainwashing. However, he remained optimistic that a renewed sense of justice might prevail, especially considering the Federation's commitment to integrating able-bodied humans into their reserve program.

Bell nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Hanna. Right now, my main concern is beefing up our defenses and intelligence capabilities.

We've basically shown our hand, so we need to be ready for whatever retaliatory measures the coalition might throw our way. That means beefing up our border patrols and beefing up our early warning systems. And as my experience tells me, we should turn our natural barriers into strengths."

"The mountain range to the south? Wouldn't that mean practically inviting the bulk of our army right to their doorstep?" Hussar inquired.

"I disagree. If we spread our army too thinly, we'll be at a disadvantage. It's better to utilize the long-ass river to the south. It's a better location, with around 80 kilometers of distance from Frostwood. From there, we can gradually expand our operation southward. I believe a conservative approach is our best bet," Lukas proposed.

Amelia, focusing on the technological aspect of surveillance, chimed in, "I suggest we also ramp up our electronic surveillance in the area. After all, not all of our aces are in the air. We can deploy several U-2s as the opening move, and then establish a satellite network to monitor their movements."

Harris then contributed, "We could deploy autonomous drones for surveillance purposes as well. Lukas, I think guarding the mountain range is feasible. After all, the US is guarded by 300,000 National Guard personnel, and with automation, it's highly likely that we can pull it off. We could essentially lock down the entire area."

"I can rally the rest of the northern elves if the need arises," Eldrin asserted, confident in the evidence he possessed regarding the coalition's crimes against elves in the northern continent. It was his trump card to unite the elves against the coalition, and he knew the Federation had the means to support it.

"My people could offer similar support, Bell. After all, you're the only leader who treats goblins with respect," Shruss interjected, leveraging her racial background as an advantage. "I believe there are more tribes in need of assistance, and they would gladly aid the Federation in return."

"I agree, Bell. The number of reservists we have will also positively impact our monthly income, so I don’t think your plan is lacking. Plus, if the situation calls for it, Lisa's unconventional plan could prove effective," Hanna chimed in, adding her support to the plan.

"Thank you all for your valuable input," Bell began, his voice steady and commanding attention. "It's evident we have an array of strategies and resources at our disposal. Lukas, as our chief of staff, I trust you to handle troop composition. Summon as many as you need, but be sure to consult our budget with Hanna first."

"That's a valid point. As for our finances, I'll mobilize skilled reservists with Ph.D.s or higher education to strengthen our research and development efforts alongside our industrial capacity. This way, we can increase the flow of funds into our war coffers," Hanna explained. "Currently, we're generating 500,000,000 EPs daily through industrial taxation and other means."

"Very impressive," Bell remarked with a nod.

"However, most of those funds are allocated to infrastructure building. With our current budget, which has ballooned to sixteen billion EPs due to your sudden nuking, I plan to allocate five billion for Lukas. If you don't mind, there are still many social programs I'm considering," Hanna added.

Aurora then interjected, "Hanna, Lukas, may I make a suggestion?"

"Of course," Lukas replied.

"We know our enemies are full of surprises, so may I suggest we establish a missile force capable of countering those who launch nukes, if you catch my drift," Aurora suggested.

"That's quite an ambitious request..." Hanna muttered. "While I don't have any objections, I'm not sure we'll need to use such force, especially if it means risking civilian lives in the south."

"Just a thought. Please, continue," Aurora concluded, halting the discussion.

Bell took a moment to ponder Aurora's suggestion and the overall trajectory of the meeting. He recognized the significance of having a missile force capable of launching nukes, but also understood the ethical dilemmas it posed. While launching a nuke against enemy fighters was one thing, targeting a city filled with civilians was a line they couldn't cross.

"Let's table the discussion on the missile force for now," Bell decided, aiming to focus on actionable steps that upheld the Federation's principles. "Our main objective is to fortify our defenses and anticipate any countermeasures from the coalition without unnecessarily escalating the conflict."

Shifting his focus to broader strategy, Bell drew from the insights shared during the meeting. "Lukas, work closely with Hanna to coordinate troop mobilization and ensure our forces are strategically positioned. Amelia, Harris, I want those surveillance enhancements operational as soon as possible. The more eyes we have on the border, the better."

Turning to Eldrin and Shruss, Bell acknowledged their pivotal roles within the Federation's allies. "Your efforts to rally support among the elves and goblins are essential. Let's demonstrate to the coalition that we stand united, not just as a military force, but as a community that values freedom and justice."

Addressing the group collectively, Bell concluded, "We're venturing into uncharted territory, but I have full confidence in this team and our ability to confront the challenges ahead. Let's proceed with caution. If we fail in this war, it won’t only be the demonic races at risk, but also the goblins, the elves, and others. That’s all from me. Does anyone have anything to add?"

The others nodded in agreement, expressing satisfaction with the response. This marked the path forward for the Federation as a cohesive unit. It would be a lengthy war requiring thorough preparation, but when the time came, the Southern Coalition would learn the consequences of underestimating them. Bell broke the silence by announcing the operation's name.

"Operation Northern Blackout is a go. Let’s get to work, gentlemen. Dismissed."


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