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Bell was well aware of the Kingdom Zugspitze, nestled within the southern mountain range. It had once been a member of the Southern Coalition, but communication with the rest of the coalition had ceased. Legend had it that the civilization was wiped out by an ice dragon attack, but Bell wasn't convinced. And now, what he saw confirmed his doubts.

Peering out of the window of his jet, Bell beheld a surprising sight. Where once it was believed uninhabitable, the mountains were now dotted with modern buildings and skyscrapers. A network of tunnels crisscrossed the landscape, connecting districts. With Lisa in the back, Bell piloted the jet, pondering the mysteries of this place.

Upon landing at the military airfield, they were met with a startling sight: their own jets, lined up on the tarmac alongside bombers. "Well, well, looks like someone's been busy stealing," Bell remarked as he taxied the jet toward the nearest hangar. Every aircraft bore the Federation's insignia, and the maintenance crew wore Federation military uniforms. Clearly, these were their jets.

Exiting the jet, Bell was greeted by a crowd, half of whom were his missing soldiers. At first glance, they appeared normal, but upon closer inspection, the seams and metallic sheen of their skin became evident. They were a modern civilization, on par with Bell's own, but their bodies were not entirely demonic. Strangely, they showed no hostility toward Bell and his team, unlike the rest of the Southern Coalition. So, Zugspitze had transformed into a nation populated by synthetics? 

One of them approached, recognizable as Larry. "Sir, it's good to see you here," he greeted, though now he appeared not as the ordinary demon they once knew, but as a synthetic being. The transformation was remarkable, yet the resemblance remained unmistakable.

"Likewise," Bell responded with a nod, his surprise evident. Uncertain how to react, he followed Larry's lead.

"Please, sir, follow me," Larry instructed, leading Bell and Lisa to a parked car. Opening the back door for them, they entered, with Bell taking the driver's seat. Larry departed, likely to attend to his duties, leaving an eerie atmosphere in his wake.

The reappearance of those Bell believed dead, now as synthetics, added to the strangeness of the situation. Inside the car, Bell noticed a tablet with a note: "please open." Curious, he accessed the content, finding it to be a tourism brochure.

"So, what's next?" Lisa inquired, breaking the silence.

"We're definitely not gearing up for war against a bunch of yous," Bell remarked to Lisa, who was seated in the back of the Mercedes. Zugspitze seemed capable of churning out synthetics at an impressive rate. Lisa, though hard to outsmart even by a POO, the best-of-the-best, was remarkably resistant to damage. The IPR-1, designed as an anti-personnel weapon against synthetics, suddenly seemed inadequate against these formidable beings. Bell couldn't help but grasp the power of the average citizens there if a railgun was merely the starting point to take them down.

As he flipped through the tourism brochure on the tablet, Bell was taken aback by the transformation of Zugspitze. Instead of the medieval kingdom he had anticipated, he found a modern 21st-century country, a surprising revelation.

The shift from monarchy to republic within just two years was astounding. The last queen now serving as president and the last king as vice-president showcased a rapid transition to democracy. Progress, however swift, was progress nonetheless. Bell couldn't help but compare the former monarchs' appearances to their current roles as president and vice-president, marveling at the changes.

One portrait depicted the traditional regal attire Bell associated with monarchy: extravagant white wigs, opulent clothing, and adorned with jewels. In stark contrast, the other picture showcased what Bell could only describe as the typical statesman and stateswoman of a modern-day country: simple suits, no wigs, set against a plain white background. President Adrianne appeared equally understated.

The Republic of Zoravia, as it was now called, boasted a population of 2,500,000 and maintained a strict closed-border policy. Bell couldn't fathom how a republic comprised of synthetics had emerged and developed to such an extent. Perhaps one of the statespeople possessed a system similar to Bell's?

"Thank goodness they extended an invitation instead of declaring war," Lisa remarked, eyeing the tablet in Bell's hand.

Bell's attention was abruptly drawn to a figure entering the car—it was Eldrin. But this Eldrin was not the same as before; he was a synthetic version. Bell couldn't help but wonder: was this the real Eldrin, or merely a replica? He was eager to find out.

"Apologies for the delay. I understand you must have a multitude of questions," Eldrin stated, settling into the front passenger seat and inputting the presidential palace into the car's GPS. With the air conditioner humming softly, he relaxed into his seat.

Bell, still processing the surreal turn of events, paused to gather his thoughts before addressing Eldrin, now a synthetic version of the man he once knew. The metamorphosis of Zugspitze into a society of advanced synthetics, along with the reappearance of his missing soldiers and aircraft, defied all expectations.

Lisa's unease broke the silence, her voice tinged with apprehension, "The transformation... it's unsettling."

Eldrin's response was matter-of-fact, yet it carried a depth of understanding borne from shared experiences, "It's similar to what happened to you, Lisa." His calm acknowledgment of their altered realities underscored the gravity of their situation but did little to ease the tension.

Contemplating the broader implications, Bell sought clarification, "Why did the president resort to such aggression?"

Eldrin offered insight into the intricate motives guiding their actions, "Adrianne acted out of fear for the safety of her civilians. Surprisingly, none of your cruise missiles made it to Zoravia; they were either intercepted by our jets or neutralized by our laser defense system. In many ways, her defensive strategies mirror your own."

Bell, puzzled by the indirect approach, pressed for clarification, "Wouldn't a straightforward invitation have been simpler?"

Eldrin elucidated the complex dynamics between Zoravia's leadership and the outside world, "Adrianne's previous encounters with demons left her cautious, but your actions sparked a glimmer of hope. However, trust was still uncertain. Hence, the signal was broadcasted as a test, though I admit, it may have been excessive."

Bell's frustration was palpable, "Calling it excessive is an understatement. Adrianne's actions nearly drove all of Frostwood to madness. And snatching my soldiers doesn't solve the problem, does it?"

"I prefer to see it as an upgrade at this point. Whether you like it or not, you now have a battalion of synthetics at your disposal. Adrianne's ultimate goal was always to align with the Federation, but her methods were less than ideal." Eldrin's words conveyed a sense of inevitability, tinged with the acknowledgment of flawed tactics.

As Bell, Lisa, and Eldrin approached, the palace emerged before them—a testament to the trials and tribulations endured by its inhabitants. The ancient structure stood as a symbol of resilience, seamlessly melding preserved heritage with state-of-the-art architectural advancements. Bell couldn't help but marvel at the palace's immaculate preservation, juxtaposed against the surrounding high-rise buildings.

Parking the car in one of the palace lots, Bell and his companions were escorted by two guards, with a soldier leading the way toward the presidential palace. To Bell's surprise, the guiding soldier was none other than Moore, commander of the 120th Air Assault Division. Though puzzled by Moore's presence, Bell pushed aside his questions for the moment, focusing on the task at hand.

Inside the palace, bustling activity greeted them—a flurry of people in suits, clutching tablets and laptops, bustling about like any typical government office. While Hanna held civilian authority, Bell commanded the military. Moore provided a brief tour, leading them through the transformed corridors.

Entering a room that once served as the throne room, Bell was struck speechless. It now functioned as a meeting room, devoid of ostentatious adornments. President Adrianne sat behind a standard desk, overlooking four couches where her staff members sat. Adrianne, much like Lisa, appeared as a synthetic being—a woman with light-brown hair and an average build.

"Radcliffe, I've been waiting," Adrianne stated, her gaze fixed on Bell and Lisa as they entered her office.



I guess they have their own time dilation zone as well. It could be much much better to gain so much tech.