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I shall be reading His Majesty's manuscript until next week when he returns from a situation which I know SEVERAL of you ingrates had a hand in.  He is your rightful king, your lord and master, you are not worthy to sniff his regal musk, yet he takes time out of his busy schedule every week to entertain you with his story.  How do you repay his kindness?  By betraying him to the elves' most ancient and implacable enemy.

I was, alas, not at the "Feast" where His Majesty let his guard down.  To be honest, I left in disgust after watching my liege "go  native," which means, unfortunately, I won't have any leads on who did what until he gets back.  Had I remained by his side, I can assure you that the whole debacle would have gone down quite differently.

Before anyone asks, I am still wearing the antler because His Majesty magicked it to stay on after it kept falling off.  I won't be able to remove it until he gets back.

It would be tedious and distasteful to lock the doors and start interrogating people, so until His Majesty returns and gives me a list of names, I'm just going to pretend that I'm not sitting in a room full of back-stabbing traitors and pick up where he left off in the story.  But mark my words, if anyone  makes a wrong move or acts suspiciously, I will be making a note of it.

Anyway *ahem*

Pellia Venatrix said (oh is this the part where he met them for the first time?)  She said, "This must be the fabled Albric Tor!  It's real!  This is positively an earth shattering discovery!"

Roger Barkingthwaite said, "Is it really?  These stones were discovered long ago by Percy le Gobelet.  It's all written quite plainly in his book.  To take credit for this find would be tantamount to intellectual theft."

Pellia responded, "You know what I mean!  We have confirmation now of the existence of a site which most scholars had dismissed as a myth or an outright fabrication!  It's not theft!  We can start our own research where le Gobelet left off.  I have so many questions about the White Elf entity that kept popping up in his work.  If half of the old bird's stories about the White Elf are true, why, the monograph I'll write will make the Royal Society sit up and take notice!"

Roger said, "Lord Randal."

Pellia replied, "What?"

Roger elaborated, "The few research papers published by Percy's grandson clearly stated that the White Elf was named 'Lord Randal,' and they do not paint him in a flattering light.  Le Gobelet's exact words, as you recall, were 'Lord Randal, Ye Numptie.'"

Pellia objected, "Those papers showed clear signs of shoddy research and were very vague.  A magical elf lord could never be a numpty; it's simply not possible.  Those papers were obvious fictions which Percy the Younger wrote to profit from his grandfather's reputation.  An army of trees attacking an entire city, preposterous!  Such an event, if it happened, would be well documented in every archive in Eire, yet there's no outside corroboration.  Le Gobelet is the only chronicler who mentions it."

Roger chuckled, "Preposterous?  Really, my dear?  Whatever happened to achieving enlightenment through faith?"

Pellia snapped, "Oh you IMPOSSIBLE mel!  Did you accompany me all the way out here just to be a killjoy naysayer the entire time?"

Roger stated, "I'm just being a realist."

Pellia scoffed, "A realist? In what way is an army of trees besieging a town realistic?!"

Roger nodded, "Precisely.  It's all ridiculous.  The only real part of Percy's fairytale writings so far has been this stone circle, and quite frankly I'm astonished to find even this much of it supported by evidence."

Pellia exclaimed, "That's why we are here!  If Percy was right about this, what else was he right about?  We must discover if there's any truth to it!  The pursuit of folklore to prove or disprove it is a legitimate form of scholarly study."

Roger scoffed, "Scholarly study indeed.  Chasing fancies.  Shall we look for dragons next?"

Pellia hissed, "How DARE you, sir!!!"

The conversation was getting tense, so the future lord of all the elves decided to magnanimously step in and deescalate things.

He leaned out of the dolmen and shouted cheerfully, "GREETS OF DAY LORD RANDALL!"

You have to keep in mind, he had not spoken to anyone other than a tree in a long time.

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Dont worry Lana you look good with a horn..or in a harness or a leash >;) and fortunately you look hot frowning (which is good since you do so much of it XD )


(We see Lana standing with smug look on her face. She is still wearing the antler. Adler is huddled in his chair looking very traumatized. He keeps muttering about the cold, the jingle bells, and the endless carols.) >Lana: HA! Adler's back and now that he's given you a list of names heads will finally roll! For some reason he hasn't seen fit to remove your magick antler, probably because you'll need it for a disguise! Oh, he's only put one name on this list, but this means she's obviously the ring-leader. Once you find this "Kathy-Slou Drew" woman, everything will fall into place and these ungrateful yew-man traitors will finally feel what an elf's justice is like! >Adler: You stare blankly at the audience. You've seen things. Horrible, horrible things... . . . >Roger: By jove! There he is! He was real all along! >Pellia: REALLY! That's all it took to convince him? >Roger: Seeing is believing. You were on the fence so this was enough to convince you. >Pellia: You can't believe this! So why was he second guessing you and naysaying the entire time?! Was that all just an act?! >Roger: Well you needed to keep her grounded and focused. She has a habit of getting too excited and running off without a thought or a plan. >Pellia: He is not your keeper! You are an adult capable of taking care of yourself! >Adler: Are they having a domestic moment? Should you come back later? >Roger: The only reason you are still here is because her father made you swear on his deathbed to keep her out of trouble! >Pellia: He's always bringing that up! You're father only trusted him that much because he was his favorite student! >Adler: Actually, you'll stick around. You want to see where this goes. This is the best drama you've seen in years. >Roger: Is that jealousy you detect? She would have been his favorite student had she actually bothered with her studies instead of fantasizing about elves all day! >Pellia: Stick in the mud! >Roger: Thoughtless buffoon! >Pellia: Teacher's Pet! >Roger: Harpy Queen! >Pellia: That is it! You can't put up with this anymore! You want him gone! You never want to see him again! >Roger: Fine by you! Keeping her out of trouble has been nothing but a burden! You've had to put your entire life on hold following her around to keep her from getting herself killed in her reckless adventures! She can wander around in circles until she starves for all you care! Promise be damned! >Adler: Oh this is getting good. You pull up a snack as you watch the sparks fly. >Pellia: You've saved him more than a few times! He would have died in that bog if you didn't throw him a rope of your own silk to pull him out! >Roger: And she would have been shot by that gang of thugs if you didn't spend nearly your entire life's savings bribing them off! >Pellia: They wouldn't have actually done it! He should be thanking you for getting him out of that dusty library! He spent every waking moment in there since you were both kids. >Roger: The library was safe and predictable! That is the proper life of a scholar! Not running around and picking fights with thugs like some whip-cracking grave robber! And she's the one who should be thanking you! You're the only friend she ever had because no one else could put up with her nonsense! >Pellia: Yeah- well-! Well... Wow... The two of you have been stuck together for a long time... >Roger: Yeah... You have... You've helped each other out a lot over the years... >Pellia: And this journey getting here... You've gotten each other out of quite a few scrapes... >Roger: Yeah... You do make a good team when the chips are down... You think for a moment then you gasp. The legend! The legend of the White Elf! It said that those seeking the White Elf would face trials to test them and there would be a boon waiting for them at the end! >Pellia: What does he mean? What is the boon? >Roger: Each other! How long have the two of you been forced to work together while hating each other the whole time? >Pellia: You begin to understand. All those wasted years. >Roger: Your entire journey here was the trial and this is the boon. Lord Randal the White Elf, sworn servant of the love goddess Fuma, knew of your plight and set in motion all the troubles you've had on this adventure! >Adler: Wait, what? >Pellia: Forcing you both to work together and realize that you need each other! >Roger: Oh how blind you both were! You were the perfect team your entire lives and you never realized it! Lord Randal saw it and made all of this happen to teach the two of you of your folly! >Pellia: Just a team? >Roger: Well, maybe not JUST a team... You know, you've never noticed how beautiful her eyes are before. >Pellia: And you've never noticed how dashing he looked before. >Roger: Sweetie pie! >Pellia: Honey bunches! >Roger: Darling, let's never fight again! >Pellia: My love, Lord Randal, in his infinite wisdom, has shown us that we were always meant to be soulmates! >And so the two of them share a loving embrace and a passionate first kiss. >Adler: You stand there in bewilderment. You literally did nothing.