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Dang it, there was some real dramatic stuff on those pages .. but there was also full frontal nudity, and I want this recap to be public.

Years went by.  Wulfrida got old, but Zandar remained the same.  Zandar could use bodymagic to temporarily revitalize Wulfrida, but she could not reverse time, and eventually her partner died.  The Guildmistress was very callous (but practical) about the whole thing.  When she asked Zandar to leave the room so that she might "respectfully consume" Wulfrida's remains, Zandar completely flipped out and bludgeoned the Guildmistress to death with a chair.

After this outburst, Zandar meets a bunny in the hall outside her room.  She tells the bunny to go inform the other girls that Zandar Skonk is the new Guildmistress, and then come meet her in the Guildmistress's quarters.  That's where we are now.

PREV- http://www.patreon.com/posts/9408774

FIRST- http://www.patreon.com/posts/9399583

NEXT- http://www.patreon.com/posts/9409639



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