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Runei Stillwater warned us that Rina didn't like birthdays.  Well I don't care, missy!  We got a cake and even pulled out the high chair for you, so you're gonna have a good time whether you like it or not!!

Tomorrow is the last chance to request a Doodle.  I have pending requests logged from Decadent, Steviebear, RooCat, Hendak, Typeandkey, Ragtime, and Mr.Opossum.  Patreon's new and improved (i.e. useless) notification system makes it not only possible but LIKELY that I will have missed somebody's request - so if your name was not on that list and you've not had a Doodle yet this month, put your request in the comments below.  If you already put it somewhere else, my apologies ... but please type it again in the comments below.




She's never get older then 30. If you try to make her older... she may disappear ya. :p


forever 29 ? "aww why so glum birthday girl? I got another candle for you to blow out if you want >;) "


{From last month} "Suddenly, XL burst out from the water and dragged the bear bot into the pool." “OH YEAH! POOL FIGHT!” “YEAH! KICK HER BUTT RVM!” “Wow, they're waterproof.” Oh yeah, I forgot! I got RVM-XL waterproofed during that sling bikini episode. She kept “falling” into the pool during her cleaning routine. I guess the bear-bot is, too.. Due to Mrs Minkworthy's threat to complain to the home association, I had to remove the sling bikini from XL. I don't know what happened to it, honestly…wait… XL is wearing it now!

Walter Reimer

At least people aren't singing parodies of 'Happy Birthday!' at her.


I like how the signature was done in icing.