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I asked Vernier.

"The only wish I can think of," she sighed, "is that I want you to succeed.  Become King of the Elves and free yourself from this prison."

"I'll try my best to grant it," I declared, trying to hide my disappointment that she hadn't wished to stay here in the woods with me.  "But I have a wish for you."

I handed her one of the Mumble-Mugs which I had made out of leaves and bark.

"Take this," I said.  "It is part of a matching set.  I have the other.  Just pull the string taut, and we can talk to each other.  Promise you'll call me every day."

"I will do my best," she nodded, tucking the mug into her skirt pocket.

There wasn't much to do after that, except send them off.

I ordered my remaining Ixies to escort the femmes and make sure they got safely past the rabbits.

"If we pass the blockade, we may not be able to return," the Ixies warned me.

"That's a risk we will have to take," I replied.  "Make sure they get out safe.  Especially Vernier.  Find your way back here when you can."

"It might help if we had some sort of disguise," Vernier suggested.

"A simple Glamer should be enough to convince those dumb bunnies that you are members of their community," I theorized.  "Petunia, you'll have to take off your rain ring until you are safely out of view."

"I don't need a disguise," Oak declared confidently.  "I have a cloak of invisibility."

I fashioned basic rabbit ears for the other four.

"Are you sure this will work?" Gretchen asked uneasily.

"As long as you don't do anything weird," I informed her, "the rabbits shouldn't notice anything amiss."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," Petunia muttered as they turned to enter the forest.  "I had hoped to learn magic, but oh well."

"Thanks for everything," Chloe grinned, with a wave and a shake of her torso.

"I will call you on the Conversation Cup to let you know we got through safely," Vernier promised.

"See thee when we see thee," the Ixies declared with a snappy salute.

They plunged into the undergrowth and I listened until their footsteps faded away.

I was alone.

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Major Matt Mason

Next: Adler becomes a Crazy Cat Lady.


>Adler: Time passes and you receive confirmation through your mumble mug that they made it out safely. You were overjoyed at the prospect of being able to talk to people during your isolation. However, this was short lived after only a few calls the mugs fell apart. You did not make them very well. Once again you are completely and utterly alone. Not a problem though. You can work through this. You can pass the time through prayer and meditation. You can hone your mind and spirit. Philosophize and the like. Maybe do a little physical training too. Use this time to transform yourself into the wise and strong emperor you were always meant to be. And you know what? You can honestly use a little solitude. Vernier was a breath of fresh air, but everyone else in your life were just a bunch of crazy weirdos. You should think of this like a vacation. You really haven't been getting enough "me-time" lately. Yeah, you can do this. This is no problem. And you know what, it probably won't be for very long anyway. 150 Years Later >Adler: Well, you've gone bonkers.