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I sighed despondently.  "If this news is true, I'm afraid you are leaderless.  I'm done.  I was supposed to have been blessed with Fuma's Luck, but for some reason everything I try turns to crap.  You're all going to have to go.  If you stick around here and continue to associate with me, then there's no doubt something horrible will inevitably happen to you."

"Ahem," Oak coughed.  "There is still the matter of payment."

"Of course," I shrugged.

I apported the ten pounds of gold easily, since I hadn't been spending my allowance for decades.  The cloak was a little more difficult, but after a few tries I was able to get one from the royal hamper.  With just a bit of thought, I composed a simple Gramarye that produced the desired effect.  This was turning out easier than I thought!

"Oh yes," Oak chuckled as she put it on.  "This will do nicely."

"Keep careful track of it," I warned her.  "This thing will be extremely difficult to find if you misplace it.  And it mustn't fall into the wrong hands."

I had a sneaking suspicion that Oak's hands might well be the wrong ones, but I had already foolishly agreed to pay this debt.  If she used the cloak for mischief, well, that wasn't my fault.

"Eeee!" Gretchen squealed.  "My Lord, you ARE granting wishes!  Do we each get one?"

"Sure, why not," I mumbled.

"I want a neverending supply of food!" Gretchen blurted immediately.

"I want to be able to call up storms," Petunia countered.

Gretchen's request was a difficult one at first glance.  How could I design an enchantment to apport edible food?  It would have to be set up to pilfer from a working kitchen, and I didn't know ... but then I thought of another way.

"It will only be able to produce the same meal every time," I explained.  "So before I set it up, what's a menu that you won't get tired of eating anytime soon?"

"Shepherd's pie and birthday cake," she answered almost instantly.

I wound up making for Gretchen a magickal placemat which, when placed on a table, would have a plate of piping-hot shepherd's pie and a slice of birthday cake on it.

"The food will only be an illusion, however," I elaborated.  "You will be able to smell and taste it, but it won't actually nourish you."

"No calories?" Gretchen squealed.  "My Lord, it's PERFECT!!  You've thought of everything!"

I gave Petunia a ring which made it rain wherever she was when she put it on.

"Thanks, my Lord," she grinned.  "I love it."

"What about you?" I asked Chloe.  "You didn't tell me your wish."

"Can, uh," she stammered nervously.  "Can we g-go over here where I can whisper it to you?"

We walked around to the other side of the dolmen, and Chloe whispered in my ear:  "I want a nice big pair of breasts like the mammal girls have."

"Won't that affect your aerodynamics?" I retorted.

"You've seen how well I can fly," she shot back sarcastically.  "And I don't care.  I want to be curvy and glamorous and feminine, and have people notice me when I walk past."

"Really?" I said.  "Nobody notices you?"

"Really," she sighed.  "Even the avian folk don't pay any attention to me."

"Okay," I shrugged.  "If that's what you want.  It's a much simpler request than any of the others.  But are you sure?  Once you leave, it can't be reversed unless you come back here ... and that's looking like it is becoming a more arduous quest by the day."

"I'm sure," Chloe nodded decisively.

I did the transmogrification and we strolled back around to where the others were waiting.

"Eat your heart out, girls," Chloe laughed smugly.

"Whoah," Petunia exclaimed.

Vernier was the only one now who hadn't gotten a wish.

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Walter Reimer

Duckboobs! And Oak is going to do a mischief with that cloak.


"Duck tits! Woohoo!" At least I think that was a line from Duck tails.


>Adler: Ask Vernier if she wants a wish. >Vernier: The only wish you can think of is that you want Adler to succeed. >Adler: . . . You'll try as best you can to grant it. >Adler: It might help them to escape if you put a glamour on them that disguises them as part of the rabbit cult.