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my remaining witches went to sleep on the bedding that I had conjured for them earlier.  I stayed up, fretting and asking the trees if they knew what was going on.

"We cannot perceive beyond the limits of our forest," they reminded me.  "Whatever's happening is happening too far away for us to see."

"Nobody coming in or out?" I asked.  "Not even Ixies?"


That was worrying.  I called for Ixies, and only one responded.

"Where are the rest of you?" I asked nervously.

"A few are patrolling the forest," she informed me.  "The main force went into town for the trial and have not returned."

"Go out past the edge of the forest - CAREFULLY!" I ordered.  "Don't let yourself be seen and don't take any unnecessary risks.  Find out what has detained the other Ixies."

She buzzed away and I went back to worrying.

At dawn, the witches awoke.  The Ixie had not returned.  I fixed breakfast and we ate in silence.

"I hate not even knowing what happened," I sighed.

"Yeah, that sucks," Petunia said, clapping me on the shoulder.  "But now you have plenty of time to teach us magic while you wait."

"Uhh," Gretchen added.  "It might take your mind off of the situation, at least."

"I'm not even sure lowfolk can learn it," I groaned.

"Won't know til you try," Chloe quacked encouragingly.

I spent the rest of the morning halfheartedly explaining the principles of Gramarye.  We stopped for lunch about noon, and just as we were about to resume our lessons, the Ixie finally returned.

"Pardon the delay, Sire," she apologized.  "Twas a difficult mission.  The rabbits have strengthened their blockade, completely encircling the forest at a distance just past where the trees can see.  No one gets in or out!"

"Not even Ixies?" I asked dubiously.

"Somehow they know to watch for us now," she declared.  "And they have flyswatters!"

"BLAST THOSE RABBITS!!" I bellowed.  "They have stymied me at every turn!  If ever I get the upper hand, mark my words, the village of Bunkirk shall PAY for these insults!"

"I found someone who might be of interest to thee," the Ixie added, just as Vernier and Oak trudged into the clearing.

"How," I squeaked, after gawking in amazement for several seconds.  "How did you get here if the rabbits have set up a watertight blockade?"

"Believe it or not, there was a distraction," Oak explained.  "It looked like that crazy old crone, Mother Didelphis.  She charged the rabbits and was laying into them with some sort of cleaver."

"I'm not sure that was her," Vernier added.  "This person seemed a bit short, and much too nimble.  Plus, Didelphis - in magically altered child form - was supposed to be at the court house, wasn't she?"

"We slipped past while the bunnies were occupied," Oak concluded.  "Your agents, Sir, told me that you would recompense me for my time and trouble coming here.  I'm going to have to bill you for a hefty amount of both."

"Yes yes, but what happened?" I demanded impatiently.

"Yesterday morning," Vernier began, "a rumor started going around that Didelphis had been seen on the road outside of town.  Of course that meant that the ill-mannered child which the magistrate took into custody could not be her.  People began to mutter that the whole trial was a sham, but Reverend O'Hoppity insisted that some sort of devilish shenanigans were afoot."

"Those are the best kind," Petunia grinned.

"O'Hoppity then began to claim that the witch trial was all a delusion contrived by the Evil One to sow discord among the people.  Never mind that he was the one most vocally advocating for it the day before.  He now blamed it all on Ash Marten, whom he claimed was a powerful warlock.  I didn't hear his arguments but somehow he got quite a few townsfolk to abandon their senses and join his rabbit mob in storming the court house.  They were armed with sticks, cudgels, farm implements, pies, whatever they could find.  When the crowd started to get ugly, a lot of people headed the other way.  Many of the vendors began packing up and leaving town, and I deemed it wise to follow them."

"So what happened?" I asked.  "Did you see Burnside and Rebecca?"

"I did not.  There was a lot of fighting, people rioting in the street.  The court house exploded.  People were hurt, maybe some inside the building were killed, I don't know.  Apparently Reverend O'Hoppity was among the injured.   From what I heard, I got the impression that he wasn't badly hurt.  People were calling him a hero and saying that he had banished Ash back to hell."

"I didn't know Ash Marten was a demon!" Gretchen squealed excitedly.

"He's my great-uncle," Oak stated wearily.  "Not a demon."

"Actually he's an elf," I declared.

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Walter Reimer

They were armed with pies?! Great Auk, that *is* serious! Hmm. The other Ixies might have succumbed when the courthouse blew up, and I have the sneaking thought that Ash blew the place up to make good his escape.


>Adler: Spend the time getting intel and maybe advice from Vernier. Oak is here, so you may as well get your planned meeting over with, though you had hoped it would be under better circumstances. Ask how her family is doing, her siblings in particular. How badly were her family's finances hit? Maybe hold off on telling her how much of a snake-in-the-grass Ash is until you are sure of his fate. Then again, if the Marten's are financially ailing, they are hardly a resource anymore and he might not care. If Ash is dead he won't care at all. If you do tell her, just don't do so out loud. >Oonagh and Child Didelphis: The two of you being murdered would give Adler ample motivation to seek revenge against the rabbits, as this would have robbed him of the prime opportunity to show the world that he is a seelie elf. Is it really seelie if it was partially motivated by ego? >Rebecca: Hopefully you're still alive. If you were disguised as a random background townie, no one would have had a reason to notice you. >Burnside: You've cheated death before, it would be totally lame if those rabbits got the jump on you. >A possible resolution: Lana could have been summoned by Ash to help him disperse the situation. At great cost to his resources, naturally.