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Gmod was on sale for 5 dollars.  I've been messing with it on the sly, an hour or two every night for about a week and this is what I've been able to do so far:

1. Download character models

2.  Download maps (this one is called "Liminal Space")

3.  Set up an extra camera

4.  Make my playermodel put away its weapon and go unarmed

5.  Capture video, which apparently my "gaming" laptop could do this whole time???

If I do produce "Last Night at Freddy's" I am not going to do it the same way most other Gmod FNAFers do (i.e. live on-the-fly) but I will do it meticulously, shot by shot and edited like a movie.  This will take longer to make but it should result in a much smoother viewing experience.

The characters posing in this vid are the old "sexy" versions, I assume from FNIA 3D.  That's Sexy Chica on the left, with Sexy Foxy behind her, and Sexy Freddy / Frederika on the right.  I am piloting Sexy Bonnie, and the NPC following her is the scaled-down version of Frenni ... actually an earlier version when her name was Fredina.  I don't know what the difference is aside from a slight change of hairstyle and a new costume.

Frenni was designed by CryptiaCurves.  I could not find out who designed the Sexy Animatronics.


Quick test of Gmod video capture

Looks like it worked. One step closer to producing "Last Night at Freddy's."



That sounds like it could be really cool! The models are very funny.


oh my god! those breasts on her ! ^_^


On who? All of them are pretty stacked ... but I guess you probably mean Frenni since hers are the biggest in this scene. They have jiggle physics! Pity I didn't get her to turn around, because the view from the back is even more impressive. That CryptiaCurves is a character-design GENIUS.