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It's a new month again.  Here's the rules if you need a reminder.

1.  R rated or tamer.  Nudity OK, female preferred.  Males can't have boners waving around, and venery scenes will be composed so "nothing shows."

2.  My characters or yours.  Third party characters only with well documented permission.  No fan art of corporate-owned characters from games, movies, TV, comics, etc.

3.  Put your request in the comments of the most recent Doodle post.  Right now, that is this one, but posts get pushed down the page as new ones are added, making older ones harder & harder to view as time goes on.  Doodles almost always have the word "Doodle" in the tags.  The Rules post is tagged "Doodle Club" to make it easier to find.

4.  Don't make blank requests as "place holders" to try to reserve your spot in the queue.  I sometimes draw Doodles a few days in advance.  If I get to your placeholder before you've made your real request, I will treat that as your request and draw a dumb placeholder Doodle, and you will lose your turn.  It's not worth it.  Just put your request under the latest post when you're ready, as per rule 3.  

5.  Try not to revise, edit, or change your request after you've posted it.  If you must, put the revision under the latest Doodle post, as per rule 3.  Understand that it may be too late to make changes if I've already drawn your Doodle in advance.

6.  Deadline to make requests is the 15th.  I will try to remind you as the date approaches, but I cannot guarantee that I will.  It is up to you to get your request in on time.

7.  Provide links to reference images and fully describe any important details you want to see in the picture.  Do not assume I know anything about anything!  "You've drawn them before" does not constitute a reference.  My personal archives are not indexed and not easily searchable, so if it's been more than a couple of months since I last drew the character, you can expect them to look very different than you remember.

8.  Doodle production time is about an hour.  Complexity of request and sloppiness of execution are directly proportional.  Reading descriptions and looking at reference images also eats into drawing time.  Keep it in mind when making your request!



for this month of JuLYNX, I'd like to see my costumed crimefighting lynx girl squaring off against my voodoo lynx shaman. You choose the poses for this potential fake comic book cover of "The Mysterious Lyn-X" using these reference sheets> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1059527783014998177/1099702062960349214/roarybutch.png for the "villain" and https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/464017096343552000/1048671999746134016/nanukkluik_lyn-x_upload.png for the "hero".


Hello hello again! So for this month, Aelfig is leaving home with a cart of fish to sell at the market (as average for the time of year). Now, her mom, Leofhilda, told her that she wouldnt be joining her this time, as she had some important things to do "for the river". And Aelfig cannot shake the feelign that somthing was really *meant* when she said that. So she packed up the cart, got ready to hand-pull it to the market when LEofhilda wished her luck, said goodbye and- out of the blue added "I love you." And Aelfig has *never* heard her mother say 'I love you', not once. I mean, sure she didnt figure her mother hated her, the parental love was always implied but now she's VERY worried. So the scene is Aelfig pullingthe cart behind her while looking behind herself from a distance at the Mistreed reed house with the short pier to a little 2-person boat moored to it, and from the porch of the house, Leofhilda Mistreed waves her daughter goodbye. And Aelfig is looking mighty concerned. I have an example of the perspective im envisioning here, using final fantasy armored potatoes: https://imgur.com/a/O2jYVmc