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I explained.  "We must convince the town and the rabbits that Didelphis is lying.  She actually is, so it shouldn't be that hard.  There are several ways to do it, but I need to hear back from my Ixies before I can work out the details.  Whichever way it winds up being accomplished, there are two possible outcomes:  One in which Didelphis dies and one in which she lives."

"The rabbits are out for blood," Chloe observed, "and the townsfolk are too scared to stop them.  If you manage to turn all of this around so the blame falls on Didelphis, how could she possibly make it out unscathed?"

"Allow me to elaborate," I elaborated.  "The easiest and safest way to convince the mob that Didelphis is lying would be by planting evidence that incriminates her and exonerates everyone else, coupled with a well timed removal of her transmogrification.  If everyone believes she has the power to transform herself, it wouldn't be that hard to make them believe she bewitched the minds of the coven to follow in her sinful ways.  That scenario would most likely end with Didelphis being handed over to the rabbits and subsequently being burned alive.  This is, of course, not ideal.  Fixing this debacle in a way that saves everyone - including Didelphis - would hinge on successfully convincing the mob that Didelphis actually is just a bratty child making up stories for attention."

"How do you expect to pull that off?" Petunia asked skeptically.

Before I could answer, an Ixie flitted up to me and saluted.

"That was fast," I remarked.

"We are all still gathering intel, Sire," the Ixie replied.  "But the first thing we learned is that no one hath yet searched Didelphis's hut.  This seemeth like an important linchpin for any of thy possible plans, so we decided to tell thee right away.  More information to come, as we discover it."

"Excellent work," I stated, as the Ixie saluted and buzzed briskly away.

"That's good," I continued, turning to address Petunia.  "It gives us more wiggle room.  Now then, to answer your question:  I have the ability to transmogrify people.  That's what started this whole mess, and it's a perfect way to end it.  I could transmogrify one of you to look and sound exactly like Didelphis.  That person could then convince the mob that Child Didelphis is just some bratty relative having a gigantic tantrum."

"Sounds risky," Petunia shrugged.

"It's dishonest too," I admitted.  "The thought of it makes me sick.  The only reason I would even consider such a course is because the whole mess is my fault.  I just wanted to teach that old bag a lesson in humility that would guide her onto a better path, but I failed to consider her mental state.  She was already unstable and obviously this pushed her over the edge.  If I can manage to solve this in a way that keeps everyone alive, including Didelphis, it might not be too late for her.  Yes, yes, I know that sounds like idealistic tripe when I say it out loud.  You all obviously know her much better than I do, so let me ask you:  Is Didelphis worth saving?  Is it worth the extra risk?"

I turned to face the rest of the coven as I posed this question, and immediately followed it up with another.  "What on Fuma's earth are you doing?"

"Gretchen's mascara was running," Rebecca explained.  "And her hair was a mess."

"Is this really the right time to preen?" I demanded.

"A big part of being a witch is looking spookily hot at all times," Rebecca insisted.  "And until they learn some magick, it's the only part these femmes can actually do."

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These plans are getting far too convoluted. Send Burnside stab someone! It's not unseelie if they deserve it!


>Burnside: This plan is getting far too convoluted! Adler should just send you out to stab someone. If he's so gosh-darned worried about being seelie, it ain't unseelie to stab someone if he deserves it. You can just go out, gut everyone who gets in your way, save the dumb baker woman that Adler hasn't seen or spoken to and it's a wonder he gives a damn about her at all, and drag Didelphis back here for Adler to judge. You can get it all done in one night. There isn't a lowfolk alive that can get the drop on you, the ixies can bet on it. >Adler: That's a bad idea for the same reason letting her nail headless torsos to trees is a bad idea. Going on killing sprees, and mass murder in general, will just cause mass outrage that will spread and bring every lowfolk on this island to your doorstep bearing torches and pitchforks. If this situation did come to an assassination, and you really hope it doesn't, it would have to be done in secret so it cannot be traced back to your cult. For the final time, you do NOT want your organization associated with mass murder! >Burnside: Adler's getting the scary eyes again, you decide to drop the issue for now. >Adler: Now then, if everyone could please focus, you are doing this for their benefit too, and answer your question. Does the coven believe Didelphis is worth saving? >Gretchen: Definitely not. She's trying to get you all killed. She's proven herself to be a selfish, self-serving old bag that doesn't care about any of you. You say, "throw her under the ant-coach." >Petunia: She was a terrible coven leader. She promised all of you dark power beyond your wildest dreams, but every meeting you only spent a few minutes looking at the same grimoire and spent the rest of the night listening to her rant about baking and how much she hated Oonagh. She would have nothing of value to offer if you saved her. Letting her get burned alive by an angry mob is probably karma or something. >Chloe: Well, you don't like the idea of anyone being killed, but saving her would give her another chance to betray you all again... >Adler: Well, that's three votes for not saving her. >Rebecca: You think she should be saved. >The rest of the coven: What? Why? >Rebecca: She's what all of you could end up being. Especially you (Rebecca). She was an outcast from society that spent so much time wallowing in her darker aspects that she now believes that's all there is to her. You mean, she's actually proud of the fact that she's a hideous, mad crone. If you hadn't met Adler, that's exactly what you would be. If you all get a chance at a happier life, she should too. You can volunteer to pose as Didelphis like Adler said. You would always arrive for the coven meetings early and stay late to help Didelphis around the house and maybe get more pointers on being a witch. >Petunia: "Brown-noser", you mutter under your breath. >Gretchen: You respond by punching Petunia in the shoulder. >Rebecca: You know Didelphis better than anyone. You can pretend to be her with no problem. >Adler: You're not sure you want to risk your organization's most valuable member, next to Vernier of course, in such a way, however you have enough tact to not say this in front of the other coven members. Plus, Rebecca telling un-truths might be a problem for her. >Another Ixie: You flutter up to Adler and give a salute. You have more information. There is in fact a ring-leader whipping the rabbit mob into a frenzy. As best as you can tell, he doesn't care if Didelphis's story is true or not. He seems to just be doing this to gain clout and more influence in the rabbit village. Also, there will be a jury for the trial. Oonagh is popular enough in the town they were willing to give her that much. If the rest of the coven cannot be found in two days time, the trial will commence without them. >Maybe try and coax some more audience participation by asking the readers directly if they think Didelphis should live or die.