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How was I supposed to make a decision with incomplete information?

"I need a team of the sneakiest Ixies to go into town and find out what's happening," I instructed.  "I want to know when the trial is, who the judge will be, if there is a jury, who's in it, anybody of interest in the case.  Also find out if the rabbits who started all this have a ringleader or if it really is just a mob.  We'd better set up a relay with Ixies stationed in hailing distance of each other from here to town, so I can be notified the moment the situation changes.  Find out if Didelphis's hut has been searched yet."

My troops buzzed away on their new mission.

"What if they don't even bother with a trial?" Chloe quacked nervously.

"If that happens, we'll have to try to pull off an immediate rescue.  How likely is it that the town would skip a trial and go right to an execution without any due process?  I thought you lowfolk considered yourselves to be 'civilized.'  I assume that the local magistrate would have a lot to answer for if word of such irregular procedures ever reached a higher office."

"The rabbits are a more immediate threat than any censure from the High Court," Chloe explained.  "Such disciplinary action would be late, if it ever came at all."

"They could just hold a kangaroo court," Rebecca suggested.  "A show trial would satisfy the technical legal requirements even though the verdict was predetermined."

"Would the townsfolk go for all that jumping and kicking though?" I asked.  "I suppose the rabbits might ... yes, at this point I wouldn't put anything past them ... but this is why I want to know who the judge and jury are.  With luck, we'll have enough time to set a plan in motion before the trial.  I need to handle this in a way that keeps the situation from getting worse.  Which reminds me ... IXIES!  Those of you who rescued Petunia and Gretchen, go back to where you knocked out those rabbits, and if they are waking up, knock them out again.  It is vitally important that they be soaked with liquor to tarnish their reputations and make their word suspect.  We can't let them claim with any credibility that they were attacked with magic.  It shouldn't be hard to find booze.  Lowfolk use it to purify their drinking water.  There should be bottles of the stuff in every house.  Find some."

A detachment of Ixies flew away on this assignment.

"All right," I continued, turning my attention back to the witches.  "I have a few ideas on how to fix this, but I need just a bit more information.  Firstly:  How many people know that Didelphis was a member and, in fact, the former leader of the coven?"

"Everybody knows," Petuna stated.  "Didelphis bragged about it all the time.  Like, constantly."

"She threatened to turn Oonagh into a newt multiple times," Chloe added, "once she learned how."

"If that's the case, why has she not been accused of witchcraft before now?" I asked, bewildered.

"Nobody took her seriously," Rebecca explained.  "Obviously she never did turn Oonagh into a newt.  The people all thought she was just a crazy old lady."

"So ... is it common knowledge that Didelphis hates Oonagh?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Gretchen declared as the other witches nodded in agreement.  "Yes, it is very common knowledge."

"If it is common knowledge that Didelphis was not only a student of witchcraft, but the actual leader of a coven, AND Oonagh's sworn enemy, why is she not under any sort of suspicion?  Surely this looks like an obvious attempt to destroy her most hated rival?"

"Didelphis was the one who was turned into a child," Petunia pointed out.  "Being a crone was her whole deal.  She wouldn't have done that to herself, ergo it must have been the work of a malefactor.  Them being enemies makes Oonagh the prime suspect."

"Really?" I sighed.  "A malefactor?  Despite the fact that Didelphis is KNOWN to be a dabbler in the dark arts?  Is that the prosecutor's reasoning?"

The witches all shrugged.

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Or the Bee team. Wait. Those aren't bees?


>Adler: For the time being, the only way to resolve this situation involves convincing the town and the rabbits that Didelphis is lying. Which she is. There are multiple ways to go about this, but you need to hear back from your ixies so you can work out the finer details. That being said, there are two possible outcomes you can aim for, one where Didelphis dies and one where she lives. >Chloe: The rabbits are out for blood and the townsfolk are too scared to stop them. If Adler manages to turn all of this around on Didelphis, how could she possibly make it out unscathed? >Adler: You shall elaborate. Potentially, the easiest and safest way to convince the mob that Didelphis is lying is by planting evidence that exposes her and exonerates everyone else, coupled with a well timed removal of her transformation. If they believe she has the power to transform herself, it wouldn't be that hard to make them believe she bewitched the minds of the coven to follow her "sinful" ways. The most likely way that would play out ends with Didelphis being thrown to the rabbits and her being burned alive. Fixing this debacle in a way that saves everyone including Didelphis would hinge on successfully convincing the mob that Didelphis actually is just a bratty child making up stories for attention. >Petuna: How would he pull that off? >Ixie: Before Adler can answer, you fly into the clearing with information. >Adler: That was fast. >Ixie: You are all still gathering intel, but the first thing you learned is that no one has searched Didelphis's hut yet. This seemed like an important linchpin for any of Adler's possible plans, so you decided to tell him right away. You hope to have more information to relay to him soon. You give a crisp salute and Adler dismisses you. >Adler: That's good. It gives you more wiggle room. To answer Petuna's question, It would be far more risky saving Didelphis along with everyone one else, and you're not entirely sure is she is even worth saving, but... You have the ability to transmogrify people, that's what started this mess, you could transmogrify someone to look and sound exactly like Didelphis who could then give a testimony that convinces the mob that child Dideplhis is just some bratty relative having a gigantic tantrum. The only reason you are considering that an option is because you know you are responsible for all this. You really did want to teach that old bag a lesson in humility that would guide her onto a better path, but you failed to consider her mental state. She was unstable before and obviously that pushed her over the edge. If you can manage to solve this in a way that leaves her alive along with everyone else, it might not be too late for her. Yes, you know that sounds like idealistic tripe when you say it out loud. The coven obviously knows her much better than you do, so you'll leave it up to them. Is Didelphis worth saving? Is it worth the extra risk? >Coven: . . .