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Eric Costello says it is still there, atop the Zour's factory building in ... Fuchsmond, was it?  The chef's arm oscillates slowly up and down.  At the bottom of its arc, two magick-lights illuminate to show a drop of Schtum going into the pot, and then the lights write the word "Schtum" as if it were a vapor emanating from the pot.

Schtum was a food additive which rendered anyone who ate it temporarily mute.  "Peace und quiet around der Dinner Table" was the tagline on the package.

(This is based on the famous Sauer's Vanilla Extract sign in Richmond, VA)




And chefs love it because the customers can’t complain!


Doodle request: It’s been a while, so I need my fix of Cass being a cheating ho. My only specific details requested are (1) she should be getting up to some naughty shenanigans with one or more human guys; (2) she should be bottomless; and (3) she should be talking to, or about, Bruce while engaging in said shenanigans. The rest is in 🫵 🤲