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Rebecca said.  "Will Mother, er, I mean Child Didelphis still be allowed to get lessons from me?"

"That depends," I replied.  "How often can you visit her?"

"We visit the Baker all the time," the vixen explained.  "Her name is Oonagh, by the way."

"Una?" I repeated.

"No, Oonagh," the vixen corrected.

"She actually likes talking to all of us," Chloe grinned.  "She says our quirks are endearing."

"Didelphis forbidding us from ever visiting her made us all totally want to," the bear (mouse?) added.

I looked over at the opossum to see if these revelations would provoke another angry outburst, but she seemed to be in a daze.

"My heart," she mumbled as she nervously gnawed her lollypop and clutched her chest with her free hand.  "It's beating steadily.  Not even a single palpitation!  This is wrong, so wrong..."

"Very well," I decided.  "Rebecca will tutor Didelphis in the art of being Seelie, the art of japes, and some of the smaller magicks, but that's it.  Didelphis is to be considered on probation until further notice.  She needs to prove herself before she gains access to anything more  than the basics.  I don't want her learning magicks that she could use to lash out against her foster mother if she's feeling vindictive.  Also, teaching Wiles to a child would just be creepy.  On that note, the rest of the Coven are forbidden from learning Wiles until they are eighteen."

"Aw, LAME!" the witches grumbled in chorus.  "That's not fair!  It's also ageist!"

"Those are the rules," I stated definitively.  "This is a Seelie organization.  You will all just have to be patient.  It won't be that long of a wait."

"Come on MAAAANNNNN," the witches whined.

"All right, none of that now," I protested.  "You should be grateful to learn any magick at all!"

By Fuma, teenagers were frustrating!  Perhaps this was the real reason behind the elvish tradition of not raising our own children.

"Well, that's all I needed to ask," Rebecca announced.  "I'm pretty sure that's it."

"Very well," I said with finality.  "I will have my Ixies escort you to a safe distance and you can all head home, except for Rebecca, who will stay here and begin learning.  However, you first must take Didelphis to Oonagh's house.  It's probably best not to tell her that Didelphis is a transmogrified old crone.  I doubt she would believe it."

After their footsteps had receded into the forest, I turned toward Rebecca.  She placed her hand on my shoulder and bent down to look into my eyes.

"Is it finally time to teach me about Honoring Fuma?" she asked.

"Uh," I quipped cleverly, as all the old tales of mischance regarding lowfolk femmes ran through my mind.

"I am of age now, you know," Rebecca reminded me meaningfully.

"Whoo," Burnside sighed as she got up from where she had passed out earlier.  "That was a good'un.  What'd I miss?"

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Major Matt Mason

>Coven: You're plenty big enough to learn Wiles! Prove it to Adler! :)


>Adler: Grateful for the interruption, you try to spiel out what happened. Burnside was giving a lecture on how to be unseelie and then you- >Burnside: That's right! You were teaching those witches how to embrace the unseelie side. Where'd they all go? Your lesson was probably too advanced for them. Well, the rabbit witch is still here and if she's gonna be learning elf-stuff there's no time like the present. You'll get her turning people inside-out in no time. So, to access the guts there are three main points of entry: the mouth, the belly button, and the- >Rebecca: Ack! Not this again! You instinctively cover your ears and imploringly look at Adler for help. >Adler: Alright, alright! Class is over. Rebecca's lessons will start later. It's been a long day for everyone and there is still work to be done. You need to send messengers to ask for an audience with Oak Marten and *you send this part to Burnside via elfmind* you still need Burnside's help testing a few theories with elfmind. *You go back to speaking out load* So, you'd like Burnside to put on her serious face and quit goofing around. >Burnside: But your mix of goofiness, gory slapstick, and dark humor is why you're a fan favorite. >Adler: Excuse you? >Burnside: Well, more like why you'll become the fan favorite. If Adler's going to eventually tell his life story in the form of an epic ballad, you need to make sure that the potential listeners stay engaged and endeared by your character, especially since your came in so late to the story. If you're lucky, your life might even get a spin-off ballad! >Adler: You blink at her a few times . . . "Just go wait by the dolmen." You'll be with her shortly. >Burnside: *grumble* *grumble* You're just giving the theoretical audience what they probably want. >Adler: As she stalks away and Rebecca is calming her nerves, you briefly lament at the fact that everyone in your life seems to be crazy. >Adler: You call over some ixies and instruct them to deliver an invitation to Oak Marten. You'd like to reimburse her for her service and see if she is still interested in working for you. Maybe you'll also be able to make amends for the blow to the Marten family's reputation and finances they suffered on your behalf. That will all need to be done in person, you are fully willing to reimburse her for the trip and if she needs money to make the journey, you can have some sent to her. Naturally your ixies will escort her here for her protection on the road. You don't say this part out loud, but you also need to think of a way to warn her to not trust Ash without the trees finding out. >Ixies: You salute your sire and fly off on your mission, exchanging bets on how the mission will turn out the whole way. >Adler: You walk over to Rebecca, she is calming herself with deep breathing exercises, and occasionally dry heaving, and let her know you need to discuss something with her. >Rebecca: If this is about "honoring the lady", you apologize, but hearing the raccoon monster talk about turning people inside-out has put you in a yucky frame of mind... >Adler: What? Er, no. Not about that. When you were having that argument with Didelphis, you heard Rebecca call out to you through elfmind. >Rebecca: Wait, what?? >Burnside: What?? >Angela: What? *Yawn* What did you miss? You just woke up.