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This was hard to find, but Major Matt Mason wanted to see it.




What's this?? Tobacco on television? It will corrupt the youth! First the smoking and then comes devil worship! Worst of all, they'll refuse to pay taxes! Doodle Request: Following the theme of my last few requests, let's delve back into that horrible other-world where Cthulhu worship is state mandated. This time we see what a day in the life of Reece Burroughs, the nervous wallflower of the group, is like. For reference: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lovecraftian-37716321 She's the shy one in the back with hair covering her face. It's just as well her hair covers her face as she has no eyes. As the daughter of a prolific author from Boston who enjoys collecting dangerous texts, she lost her peepers when she peeked into a book she really shouldn't have. A nice trade-off is she doesn't need them to see anymore, as she can perceive everything in a certain radius around her. Including things she really wishes she couldn't see. Creatures from Beyond constantly swim in and out of her sphere of awareness, and sometimes they're also aware of her too. We see Reece nervously trudging down an empty school hallway, she is clutching her book bag to her chest and quietly reciting Yog-Sothoth's prayer to calm her nerves. "Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future..." It's all she can do as on the periphery of her awareness there are vague hints she is being observed by the shapeless writhing things From Beyond. As always, you are free to edit or change whatever you see fit if you think of something that works better, or just to save time. And also as always, thank you very much for making these.


Ohey, other ferret characters exist!