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I continued after a moment's silence.  "Time for you to go home."

"Oh Bunny, oh Bunny!" Rebecca giggled excitedly.  "I can hardly wait to start learning real magic, without even having to sacrifice animals or sell my soul!  Being Seelie is the greatest!"

"Sir, before I leave," Vernier murmured.  "I just want to let you know how relieved I am to see you safe and sound ... and also thank you for letting me help."

"You're thanking me for letting you help?" I repeated.  "I think technically I should be the one thanking you."

"Yes, it's silly, I know," she admitted, "but I just can't put into words how happy I am to finally be helping someone.  For the first time, I don't feel afraid that everything will go horribly wrong.  I actually believe you will succeed, and this gives me the sense that I'm finally doing something worthwhile."

With a supreme effort of elfly will, I maintained my confident composure.

"I assure you," I assured, "I am grateful for your help, and we both know I wouldn't have made it this far without you."

"Bleeeah," Burnside grumbled.  "Why don't yall two get a room?"

"Why don't you accompany them back to their home?" I suggested, with a stern glance.

I sent a detachment of Ixies along with Burnside to escort Vernier and Rebecca.  They probably didn't need the extra protection, but it would be nice to have a bit of peace for just a little while.  I had just undergone a very trying ordeal with a dangerous Floozy, followed by an emotionally intense planning meeting.  My fatigue and exhaustion were finally starting to catch up with me.

I reclined on the soft grass inside the stone circle and let my mind wander. 

"Art thou all right, Sire?" some Ixies asked as I lay there.

"I'm fine," I muttered drowsily.  "I just need to relax for a few minutes and collect my thoughts.  When Burnside and the others get back, I'll send a messenger out to fetch Oak, and then I'll get Burnside to help me test if the trees can detect Elfmind.  For now though, I'll just rest for a bit..."

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Walter Reimer

Passers-by will think he's dead. He'll wake up to find dirt piled on him.


He seems to have been awake for so long. When was the last time he actually slept?


Elves don't really need to sleep, but they can if they want to.