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It's a lot more positive that way!

Here are the Doodle rules again, as we prepare for another month of cartoon mayhem.

1.  R rater or tamer.  Nudity OK, female preferred.  Males can't have boners waving around, and venery scenes will be composed so "nothing shows."

2.  My characters or yours.  Third party characters only with well documented permission.  No fan art of corporate-owned characters from games, movies, TV, comics, etc.

3.  Posts get pushed down the page as new ones are added, making older ones harder & harder to view as time goes on.  Therefore, if you think of a request later, put it under the most recent Doodle post.  (Right now, this one.)  They almost always have the word "Doodle" in the tags.  The Rules post is tagged "Doodle Club" to make it easier to find.

4.  Don't make blank requests as "place holders" to try to reserve your spot in the queue.  Just put your request under the latest post when you're ready, as per rule 3.  After two or three Doodles are up, I'm not scrolling back to check for changes you might have made, plus I sometimes draw Doodles a few days in advance.  If I get to your placeholder before you've made your real request, I will treat that as your request and draw a dumb placeholder Doodle, and you will lose your turn.  It's not worth it.

5.  For similar reasons I strongly discourage revising, editing, or changing your request after you've posted it.  But if you must, put the revision under the latest Doodle post, as per rule 3.  Understand that it may be too late to make changes if I've already drawn your Doodle in advance.

6.  Deadline to make requests is the 15th.  I will try to remind you as the date approaches, but I cannot guarantee that I will.  It is up to you to get your request in on time.

7.  Provide links to reference images and fully describe any important details you want to see in the picture.  Do not assume I know anything about anything!

8.  Doodle production time is about an hour.  Complexity of request and sloppiness of execution are directly proportional.  Reading descriptions and looking at reference images also eats into drawing time.  Keep it in mind when making your request!



I cant think of anything for RVM XL so gone for something different "Stumpkins" Stumpkin woman to be exact. Using her innate magic to Grow a trail of flowers from the ground as she frolics towards the viewer. (the flowers are in different growth stages in the trail, the closest to her are small seedlings then advanced growth stages away from her. dont draw a medow just a small trail from where she has stepped) (dropbox ref https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ttbnouti3uu0tzb/AAD2uNp9D1n1olv7zbblrndHa?dl=0)


From Mundus Deus! Sure would be nice if that adventure was continued.


Leofhilda and Aelfig are in town! Er, well, the village thats only a few miles off, next to the woodlands before it starts to get marsh-y nearer the Ol'Misty River. The Mistreeds are known locally as river and marsh guides and fishmongers but are only normally seen in town every few months, and that's usually only to trade. Secretly Immortal Ferrets can't live on fish alone, plus showing up on occasion helps keep people from wandering towards the river unsupervised (where unsupervised drownings and other deadly-body-of-water mishaps happen). We're gonna need a fish merchant stand, simple counter with shelves for pre-cut bits of fish to be displayed and sold from. LEofhilda willbe stocking some on one of the shelves and telling Aelfig "Don't you go wanderin off now." while Aelfi is looking off to the right in curiosity at a thing that will be revealed in december, priobably. Implying she'll get up to some mischeif next year.