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Rebecca exclaimed.  "That's really neat.  Can I learn to write magically enchanted secret text?"

"Maybe..." I mused.  Could she?  Was that something lowfolk could learn?  I wasn't even sure how to do it myself.  "That comes later.  For now, you must continue studying the Foxspell until you are ready for more advanced material."

It was probably best not to teach this femme any secrets until I could be sure that she wouldn't just use them to turn people into frogs or something.

"Get back to reading, and I'll check on you in a while."

I strolled across the clearing towards Vernier, and passed Burnside, who gave me a surly look.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Dagnabbit," the raccoon replied.  "You're a corruptin' influence.  That gal coulda been somebody I could finally share my hobbies with, and you done went all turnin' her Seelie.  How come I ain't allowed to have any friends?"

"You would have more friends if you weren't so violent," I explained.  "People don't like having to worry about whether you're going to cut them to pieces."

"That's their problem," Burnside sulked.

"Sounds to me like it's your problem.  You're the one who's alone when you don't have to be.  Try being nicer."

Approaching Vernier, I asked her "Is there any additional business we need to discuss?  It's been quite a long and busy day."

"That was well done, Sir," Vernier said to me with a smile.  "The pep talk you gave Rebecca was exactly what she needed to hear, and you handled Miss Burnside very well too.  You are actively helping change someone's life for the better.  I feel sure that you will make an excellent Emperor one day."

"Durrr," I replied sagaciously.

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I`d be your friend Burnside as long as you focus that homicidal mania at appropriate targets


It troubles me that you seem to have an idea of what would be an "appropriate" target.


I`m thinking war criminal types. nazis,rapists etc bad violent people (and yes I know Burnside is violent just trying to focus her like say Venom )


pretty much. why bother giving Burnside character and make her so cute if shes just supposed to be an irredeemable monster who would be better off if killed immediately by someone

Simone Spinozzi

the only problem i see with Burnside being asked to kill bad guys is that she would probably ditch you to hang with the bad guys as they are more interesting than you.


ah but the bad guys might not want anything to do with her or try killing her ?


Burnside would love to find a Bad Guys' support group where they could swap stories and share their favorite killin' techniques.


That's not how bad guys usually get along though. It's not long before they try killing each other because they're greedy and often paranoid