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Vernier asked.

"First I would need two shiny pocket-sized objects," I replied.

"Would coins do?"

"No.  They must be dedicated solely to this purpose, not used for anything else.  They must also be transparent, or at least translucent, and be of a certain density capable of conducting light and magick simultaneously.  Crystal balls are preferred but there are gemstones which will also work.  In the Long Ago they used mirrors or special silver bowls which they filled with water."

"How exactly does scrying work?"

"Well, you see," I explained, conjuring up a chalkboard to illustrate some of the finer points.  "In point-to-point object scrying, the two orbs must be linked with a very precise Gramarye and tuned to resonate at the same etheric frequency.  This can be done by weighing them and comparing their color, then placing the dominant one northward from the other, and burying them together in a mound of moss overnight with other harmonizing ingredients while the Gramarye is composed."

"Harmonizing ingredients?" Vernier asked.

"Yes, different woods have energies which can reinforce or weaken the spell depending on how well they complement the material used in the scry pieces.  Let me draw a chart..."

While I was talking, several Ixies gathered around Burnside.

"One aphid sayeth she snaps out of it in the next five minutes," one Ixie wagered.

"Thou'rt on," another replied.  "Start timing."

"Double aphids if she's out for more than fifteen minutes," the third Ixie proclaimed.

"All bets are off if the bird interferes," the first one insisted.

"HEY!" I exclaimed.  "What did I tell you about betting?  And you're interrupting my presentation!  How rude!  Now then, what was I saying?  The process is rather convoluted, but I think I have a clear understanding of it.  The only real obstacle is obtaining the materials."

"Pardon me, My Lord," Rebecca interjected.  "I'm sure there is something I'm missing, but why couldn't you just conjure up the materials, like you did with Ms. Vernier's chair and that chalkboard?"

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Serge Skunk

I think I can answer Rebecca's question: The conjured items are likely made from immaterial energy from the use of magic or Gramarye. As such, they would likely purely be temporary in nature or the fact that they are made from manifested matter prevents them from being used as anything other than appearance. And as Adler described, Scrying requires something made with that intended purpose and nothing else.

Major Matt Mason

>Burnside: Reboot. Either dig the look or start plotting bloody murther.

Simone Spinozzi

to be fair if anybody has ever played marbles... he looks like he is describing marbles and the ancient rituals to make sure they are lucky and win the race 😂👍💖💯 but aside from that... yeah. i'm curious to see if Burnside is another of those pesky vulpitanian machines now. For all we know it's another of those Scutis that painted herself to look like the normal tail of burnside driving a prosthetic body... that said... uhm... let me check when was the last time i saw a tail on Burnside. Kinda does look like when Alice was stuck in the woods. Nevermind the tail was always there. And looks limp like the rest of the body, not struggling.

Walter Reimer

Burnside: Brain resets, she complains that nobody loves her and she storms off, leaving her goth duds behind.

Joel Kreissman

Because he didn't conjure them so much as pull them out of storage?