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I need another quarantine so people will leave me alone and let me get my work done.

Friday I went grocery shopping and I didn't think about Zandar that day.  It was the 18th!  I had plenty of time!  But then Saturday I worked, running the sound board all day at an outdoor festival.  When I got home I was tired, hungry, and dehydrated so all I could do was eat supper and crawl into bed, where I laid there with a headache for half of the night and spent the other half getting up to pee because of all the water I drank to rehydrate myself.  Sunday I never get anything done even under normal circumstances.  So now it's today and there was other stuff I had to do all afternoon and then I had to mow The Swamp because it's supposed to rain tomorrow.  No Saga page.  I might draw it tonight but I haven't even had dinner yet.  It won't be posted until tomorrow at any rate.  Tomorrow there's nothing going on so I am going to stay in all day and try to get things done ... but Wednesday there's other obligations, as well as Thursday, Friday, Saturday ... I also have to mow the OTHER half of the yard sometime this week ... how am I going to get these commissions done ... I feel awful and I need more sleep.  This might be the end if I can't meet my deadlines anymore.




dude, it's okay, stuff happens so don't get to stressed about it.

Kjartan Arnorsson

You'll get nothing but sympathy from me. My reality is all too similar to yours. Thank the gawds that old farts like us have archives to fall back upon.

Major Matt Mason

Don't kill yourself. Take it easy and relax...

Simone Spinozzi

( ´・・)ノ(._.`) Rest well.

John Van Stry

hairballs aren't a problem if you have the proper diet. (I've raised a lot of cats, big and small, and learned how to keep them from having them).