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Rick2tails must have really impressed stewardess Hanna if she's spending her evening off with him.

DEADLINE for Doodle requests is the 15th!  I have one more on my list for Hendak, and that's it.  If you haven't made a request yet, do it now in the comments below.  If you have made a request and I missed it, tell me now where you posted it so I can go look.




shes so comfy to snuggle with ^__^

Walter Reimer

"Layover." Hurr hurr hurr . . .


it's all an elaborate plot for rina to sneak up and give him the pointy end. :p


Very cute. Looks cozy. I was thinking for Bormac this month, I'd like something kind of lewd. maybe something female Bormac straddling your synth or some other synth if you'd rather not imply them being.. ah.. enhanced ; > heheh like they were or had just finished riding them, nothing visible but you know very suggestive. and maybe a little breast bounce if you can.


if you wanna borrow him sometime scifi story Runei is a technomancer and could lead to fun and/or sexy times. :p