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Here's Rick swooping in with the traditional January 1st celebratory request.

Congratulations, those of you in Super Secret Double First Class get to continue requesting Doodles and keeping me busy.  The rules are still the same, with one change.

1. Rated R or tamer.  Nudity OK, female preferred.  Males can't have boners showing and venery scenes will be tastefully composed so as not to be hardcore.

2. My characters or yours.  No third party characters without clear permission, and no fan art of corporate-owned characters from movies, games, TV, whatever.

3. Production time is still an hour from start to finish, which includes reading your request and transcribing it into my notebook (aka no-electricity hard drive) and studying any needed reference material.  Keep this in mind and think carefully before requesting elaborate period scenes with a dozen characters in them.  Because you'll get stick figures.

4. Requests must appear in the latest Doodle post.  They will be unlocked for Super Secret Double First Class and Commission patrons, and they will have "doodle" as a tag.

4. Deadline for requests is the 15th of the month.  Deadline to point out that I missed your request is the 20th.  I will make an effort to communicate clearly how many Doodles are in the queue, but it will be your responsibility to check on me and speak up if yours is missing.  After the 20th it's strictly Commission time and once I have shifted over, that's it for Doodles until next month.




2 thoughts. first I wonder why she thought it was such a good year didnt she fail at her attempts to seduce the artist? and that little hell fire racoon I swoon over owns a computer? thats a bit of a surprise I figured Burnside wouldnt have much use for computers

Walter Reimer

Dani, unclothed and on all fours, facing toward us (so one arm obscures the Something Extra), looking back at my sheep Jane, who's in leather and holding a riding crop. Dani's asking, "Will you respect me in the morning?" And Jane's replying, "Dunno, let's see if you make it through the night." Dani's your character, of course. Jane is on the far right: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37502304/


How about Rina slapping her alarm clock unhappy to be awake groggily saying "fuck off... I don't work today...". Robota is trying to clean up a little bit of a mess left from Rina celebrating the year is over in her own way as she picks up a dildo and some clothes left on the floor. Have Robota say "As a reminder you set a note to go shopping for deals mistress. Also the tracking number for the battletech miniature has started updating again as well as the package your mother sent. Expected delivery is Monday for both." I like the idea that Robota is the only organization that Rina actually has as a single woman... XD


Maybe she just ransacked someone's how to use teh computer? XD


Ginger Hartley, the MGM minkess, may be absent minded in her fursonal life, but she is a diligent, hard-working actress. Here she is at home, preparing for her next great role (in a sea epic), practicing her lines, with her Mexican coyotess maid reading the lines for her co-star. The maid looks somewhat baffled and confused, but is game, even wielding a duster as a sword.

Simone Spinozzi

hmmm... how about continuing what i started? Philomela. Closeup of her face. Some dialogue by the (unseen) fellers that passed through her. "i don't know who would wind her. She always seems to have somebody wind her when nobody is looking." "you're a madman!" "the way you say it magic would be involved!" "nah! not magic. but i'm pretty sure somebody is winding her" and after all those bubbles the actual portrait of Philomela shows her turned towards the 4rth wall and winking. Now. I had added (over time) some flipper-like things at the side of her mouth to allow her to "smile". given your design i would suggest that they are normally hidden behing the beak in a "fin-like" fashion that perks up now on one side only to give the typical "acknowledgement smile". have fun. <h1>😉👍💖</h1>

Serge Skunk

Happy New Year! I hope this year certainly goes better than the one previously! Typically around this time I like to indulge a little since it's the month of my birth and get something extra special and I figure this time will be no different XD For this months doodle I'd like to request a picture of my character Serge Skunk getting to cuddle and snuggle with the best Skunk goddess, Fuma^^


My feline character Stefan Calico ( https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvb61qyob9s8kwu/AACx2WF570hSgfJrLzjnBv_pa/stefancalico%20%282018%29.png?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yhu6kz3u93kf3vp/AAAbm9MYjirmrLotcNfTiDO1a/Stefan-leaning.png?dl=0 ) just enjoying the perks of the Super Secret Double First Class lounge: big cushy chair, a tray of snacks, drinks within reach, vixens ready to serve, etc.


I would like to see a sequel to that Thompson pic with her after downing a literal bucket of ice cream for dessert.

Major Matt Mason

Kangy showing off "The Joeys" while Tali admires them, saying "I'm the special occasion, folks!" ;-)