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Vernier explained, "a lifetime of being manipulated and betrayed by elf femmes has understandably given you a deep mistrust and general disdain for them.  On the other hand, your inexperience with lowfolk femmes leaves you with significantly less history and baggage.  Considering that the first few lowfolk femmes you spent a significant amount of time with seemed like a light in the darkness by comparison, this has caused you to form an extreme emotional attachment due to the trauma of the Plague of Battles and your subsequent isolation making you emotionally vulnerable.  You've latched on to lowfolk femmes because you unconsciously see them as a source of stability.  While it's fine to have preferences, this level of infatuation is unhealthy.  Pardon my bluntness, but for your own sake I have to point out that you are pretty much using me as an emotional crutch.  This is something you will need to overcome for your own mental and emotional well being."

I think I might have blinked a few times as she looked earnestly at me.

"Now then," she continued after a brief pause.  "With all that out of the way, I'd just love to show you how genuinely useful lowfolk femmes can be, and at the moment there's only one thing left to do- I need to head back to the salon to tell the others the good news! Soon we'll all be armed and have an intelligence network.  See you later, Sir!"

"Twenty aphids each," Typantronn chuckled as Vernier ambled away through the underbrush.


You know what?  I don't want to talk about this anymore.  Let's move ahead to something else.  There's much more interesting stuff that happened later.

Oh Fuma!  I just realized it's the end of November, when you lowfolk start gearing up for your annual Yuletide festival of greed and gluttony.  This means that YOU-KNOW-WHO will be abroad, hunting for elves to work in his abominable toy factories!  I need to hide!

PREV http://www.patreon.com/posts/44063356

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Typeandkey wrote so much of this week's episode I think he deserves a credit.


No worries, Teg, the greed festivals are all on hold this year. Plague, don't you know.

Serge Skunk

Aww Adler there is nothing to fear from Winter, just don't invoke the Kringle's ire and instead focus on relaxing and sharing some time with your loved ones! And of course! I think I have to agree with absolutely everything Vernier said. While there may be things missed or misunderstood, I feel pretty dang validated that she's super perceptive and highly intelligent.

Walter Reimer

(whistles) Hey, Kringle! HE"S OVER THERE!

Simone Spinozzi

WA-W-W-W-WAIT! WAIT! WHAT!? <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/6vrvkgOB6mJ32/giphy.gif"> CURSE YOU KRINGLE! I NEEDED ANSWERS!


and he knows if youve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake! (or else!)


shes not wrong at all. shes quite smart


Sums up my impression on things though leaves out the fact that as a very young man he was 'trained' by Sheila Na Gig and the experience seems like it was pretty damn traumatic from the way that its described. As for the Kringle well maybe Addler will be lucky and he will find the capital deserted and move on.