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Now it's November!  Time for more Doodles (with PLOT)!

You know the rules by now, but here they are again:

1.  Rating "R" or tamer.  Nudity OK; female preferred.  Males can't have boners showing, and venery scenes will be composed so the "good stuff" isn't visible.

2. My characters or yours.  Third party characters only with confirmed permission.  No fan art of corporate trademark characters from animation, comics, games, etc whose owners have teams of lawyers to come after me.

3. Deadline for requests is the 20th of whatever month this is.  Octembruary??

4. Requests must be in the comments on the most recent Doodle-tier post, so I will be sure to see them as old posts get pushed off the front page.

5. Production time is one hour, which includes reading your request and studying any necessary reference material.  Complicated requests will be simplified, or just badly drawn (more badly than usual!) in order to finish them quickly.

If you're having trouble thinking of a Doodle idea, perhaps you can derive inspiration from this month's Secret Word:



Serge Skunk

For this month's doodle, I was hoping I could request a scene of my characters Miranda and Gabriel having a cozy dinner date. I figure that's appropriate for the feasting season.


A little Elfhamian roe-doe in her crib, with the kind of toys and mobile you would expect. Also Daddy-made crib, likely. And the kind of look you expect from a future [Eldest].


Rina has elected to mostly leave her new maid stock, other then upgrading a few internal bits for higher performance. We find her sitting at a table with Robota laying on her back on said table legs spread wide and holding her ankles giving color commentary as Rina is scratching her head looking befuddled holding one of those flimsy paper instruction guides that comes with upgrade parts and holding an penis upgrade for Robota in the other to make Robota a "herm" like her. XD Maybe have Rina mumbling about watching a youtube tutorial. XD The part would of course be officially licensed by her makers. :p Rina would be in casual mode so panties and t-shirt

Walter Reimer

Kangy's welcoming a new visitor to the Human Lover's Club, and it's my gal Frieda. Kangy's a little mystified about how a kangaroo can be part skunk . . . and, be fair, a little jealous as well. Frieda: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/6518282/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14847963/


Could I see the Lowfolk burning an effigy of the Duchess made out of sackcloth, buttons and hay dressed in an old pair of Daisy Dukes and flannel shirt, something like my scarecrow girl. With a noose around its neck, please?

Simone Spinozzi

Chevrolay, sitting on the podium, first position, alone. Fuming. Tapping her foot. One hand resting on her thigh, the other pointing at the announce off screen, in the typical Picard WTF meme. https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/010/997/35s7cv.jpg Second and third position are tarps covering the other 2 competitors. Announcer: "Can't you be happy you won this time?!" Chevrolay: "That cake got everybody else shawt cihcuited oh clawgged!" Announcer: "Ah, they will get fixed." Chevrolay: "Uh-uh! You fix ev'rything." Announcer: "What's with her voice?" Different voice off screen: "Oh that's just the upset value overflowing into her speech memory."

Major Matt Mason

Tali and Missy, still dressed as the Blahs Brothers, driving WW5's ant-cart (borrowed originally by Ooo-er and Tessie) and forcing a couple of Vulps to dive off a low bridge into the river...


Halloween may be in the past, but the costumes don't need to go away! I'd like to request my folf twins and the Thermopoulos twins dressed up as angels and devils... though only Remy (my twin with the double cheekruff marks) will be wearing the white wings worn like a backpack along with a halo dangling above a headband and frilly white shorts while Roman and Dani and Cass will be wielding mini pitchforks while wearing black bat wings along with a tail spade attached to their tailtips and dark crotch-hugging shorts -- Roman will also be wearing horns that aren't as long as the ones for the antelopes. Remy should be looking worried with his ears flat while the other three have mischievous grins. Refs in case you need my twins again> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvb61qyob9s8kwu/AABh5ZUG4BAbkI3hpQOoz-54a/remy-brylee-ref.png?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvb61qyob9s8kwu/AADxKXqXd0o4OnfTH5b-13Gxa/roman-brylee-ref.png?dl=0