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I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it is going to take Zandar some time to get over her instinctive distrust of long-haired white skunks, and blank eyeballs.



Walter Reimer

She's got a nice contemporary look to her wardrobe!


nice wholesome content! well drawn!


This is set in modern-day. Frostheart is an anachronistic dresser.

Serge Skunk

This is wonderful! Thank you again so much^^ I'm sure he's just trying to assure her he means no harm and is looking to at least be friends^^

Wm. Van Ness

I wonder how well she'd get along with a white tiger-striped fem skunk?

Simone Spinozzi

i'm still trying to understand this weird thing the dude has on his feet. They look like shoes... but weren't shoes a weird kind of hat? Okay jokes aside... this picture just made me realize that i don't remember if the shoes were jokingly used as hats because nobody figured their purpose (#FurriesAlwaysShoeless)... or if the cult of the shoes just had so many shoes they tried to find alternative uses for it.


The cult of shoes was so obsessed with shoes they wanted to be able to wear them in more places than just on their feet.


is that a real kind of skunk or is he blind and albino?

Serge Skunk

His design is based on a real kind of skunk species (hooded skunks; mephitis macroura), but his coloration and solid color eyes are apart of his backstory. He's not blind or albino, but since the picture is black and white, those are the only colors shown.