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I don't know if you've been following this news, but yesterday Patreon lost a rather significant court case.  People whose opinions I do not thoroughly trust have said that this spells the "end" of the platform; that an incoming deluge of legal costs will bankrupt the company.  I actually don't think that will happen .. I certainly hope it doesn't .. but just in case it does, please bookmark https://ko-fi.com/tegerio as a backup place where you can continue to support me if this website does indeed come crashing down.  There is no need to do anything at present.  Just save that url as a contingency plan.  I haven't paid to upgrade to "gold" on Ko-fi (because there's not been enough traffic on it to justify doing so) but I can if it becomes necessary, and at that point it should function in ways very similar to Patreon.



well I will support you best I can to my abilities financially wherever that may take me


yeah I heard. I admit it's a self inflicted wound since patreon decided to be stupid a heck to the bigger people on the platform to the point of trying to control their content. If you do move would it be a similar plan for tiers?


I'm not sure it does tiers, but if I upgrade to Gold there's at least one monthly subscription level, as well as a system for selling commissions. All of this is moot if Patreon holds. I'm just thinking of backup plans if the worst-case happens. Fingers crossed, hoping I won't need it.


Here’s hoping Patreon will continue to function. And if not, I’ll gladly support you on Ko-fi. Cheers!

Wm. Van Ness

I don't know much about this stuff, but a number of the artists on my list here have been bailing out to a place called "SubscribeStar".


I haven't looked very deeply into it, but at first glance SubscribeStar seems shady as heck. I also don't want to have to maintain a presence on multiple platforms because that's more work for me, with diminishing returns as my supporter base gets spread thinly across all of them. I suppose I could turn on "shinies" (the monetization mechanism on FurAffinity) but FA is another operation I would describe as "shady as heck." I've been on there for years but I would not trust them with my money. My sincere hope is that Patreon survives and learns a valuable lesson from this experience.


Hope things work out maybe i'll commish when or if i get that upcoming stimulus :)


Hopefully things smooth out here, ko-fi seems more of a tip jar level of things than what you're doing here.