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This fascinating character from Hendak has very un-herbivorous tastes.




Bodb is making sauces, now?


Some herbivores are known to be opportunistic predators. Usually because they are lacking something like calcium... there are records of horses and deer eating small birds/mice to fulfill that need. Though it's considered a learned behavior usually from boredom, curiosity, or malnutrition.


It's spicy and delicious! That's an O'Daisies family "gar-on-TEE"!!

David Ewell

I've heard of this behavior that was observed by a friend who's sister had a horse farm and one of them would go after rabbits if they ever strayed into the paddock.

Simone Spinozzi

this is not beastars, so obviously people did not die for this sin... but seriously how does eating meat works whem all animals are intelligent? and what manner of vegetables can one consume, whem the plants themselves have a similar fate?


Medium well, if I'm any judge of character.


There are feral animals. My world has Ixies but most insects are not sapient, and the ants get very large. Adina and Impudica are the only sapient plants (only elves can hear the Voice of the Forest) .. besides which, plants produce an overabundance of seeds with the expectation that most of them will be eaten. Fruits are made DELIBERATELY for animals to eat, as a method of disseminating seeds to areas the parent plant could never reach otherwise.